General Description of the Feature

This feature incorporates an enhancement in the Financing Calculation.

A new switch control, named "Incl. VAT," has been developed and integrated into the Offer page, activated through a setup key. Positioned above the Financing section on the Offer page, this switch allows toggling between YES/NO.

Upon opening an Offer page for a new offer, the switch is preselected based on the business partner type:

  • If the business partner type is Company, the switch defaults to ‘No’ (value: false).
  • If the business partner type is Private, the switch defaults to ‘Yes’ (value: true).

Users can modify the switch value at any time, overriding the preselection.

The switch value influences the Financing calculation in the following manner:

  • When set to ‘Yes’: VAT is included in the initial financing price. The Finance popup uses the final "Offer price" (inclusive of VAT and discounts), maintaining the previous functionality.
  • When set to 'No': VAT is excluded from the initial financing price. Instead of the final "Offer price," the offer’s net total price, "Total Net Amount Including Discounts," is utilized.

All calculations and general functionality in the Financing popup remain consistent with the existing formulas developed in respective features.

The VAT logic, based on the described switch, is applicable to all financial lines. This means that either all financial lines calculate based on the total offer price (inclusive of VAT) or based on the offer net price (exclusive of VAT).

If a user, after creating a few financing lines with the switch in either state, decides to toggle the switch again for the next financing entry, a popup message warns them that this action is not possible and will delete the already created lines if they proceed.

  • If ‘No’ is selected, nothing happens, and the switch remains at its initial value.
  • If ‘Yes’ is selected, all previously created financial lines are removed, and new ones can be created based on the switch’s new value.


For offer printing, updates have been made to include a flag indicating whether VAT is included in the financials or not. Two new printing parameters have been developed:

  1. Header: {Header.FinancialsIncludeVat}
  2. List parameter: {Financing.IncludeVat}, printing the value for each of the financial lines.


If a previously created offer is selected, the switch will get the value from that previous offer, regardless of the business partner type.

Business Benefit

Possibility to calculate the financing with initial price that includes or not the VAT, and be controllable from the Users.


Setup Keys:

  • IncludeVatInOfferFinancing = True/False (Default=False)


Workflow Document Template

  • {Header.FinancialsIncludeVat}
  • {Header.Financing.IncludeVat}

Additional Information

  • ‘Incl. VAT’ - resource key: OD0014297

Feature availability

This feature is mainly developed for version 3.12.0 but it is also patched in:

  • 3.6.15

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