General Description of the Feature

A Master Installation system is a separate environment that stores and syncs the customer data of different Companies in the same Installation. The customer data can be shared between the dealer companies from the master installation following specific rules.

All the data of the configured Data Entity Type (Business Partner) are stored in the client's system database (i.e. Local database → Company A) and also in the Master system database. The users of another client system database ( i.e. Local database → Company B) can search for a specific entity BP into the Business Partner or the Contact Person grid list, if the system doesn't find any matching records in the Local database with matching Dimensions (Local DB - Company B), then it will automatically search for that in the Master database. If a matching entity/record is found in the Master database, the user can download it again into the Local database under his own Company. A new record will be created in the local database but this time with the 2nd company Dimensions (Company B).

After an entity is created into the local Database and is linked with a matching Master record, then any change/update that is made in the Local database, updates also the master record. Two or more BP entities, which belong to the Local DB but within different Companies, can be linked with the same master record. If the BP is updated in one dealer company in the local DB, then the master DB is updated automatically and later the matching entities in other companies will be updated via a periodic query. Currently this periodic query is configured to run every 5 minutes.

Master Search:

When a search for a record is performed, certain fields can be used as a Search Field for the Master DB. The selected and configured search fields can be set as "trustworthy" or "non-trustworthy". The available fields, which can be configured for search in the master DB are:

  • Email,
  • Telephone1,
  • Telephone2,
  • Mobile Phone,
  • Membership ID,
  • Additional ID,
  • Federal Tax ID,
  • Unified Federal Tax ID

When searching into the mentioned grid lists with data that belong to any of the above fields, the Master DB will display results that are exact match with the searched data. For example: A user searches into the BP grid list with the value +380123456788 (Mobile Phone). Into his local DB and Company there is no record matching this search. The system automatically search the value +380123456788 into the Master DB, as well. If the Mobile Phone as field is configured to act as a search field into the master DB, and there is a BP with this exact match in the Master DB then a result will appear.

If the search field "Mobile Phone" is configured as:

  • "non-trustworthy" then the result data will be displayed obfuscated, preventing the user get the data until his action is validated.
  • "trustworthy" then the result data will be displayed without any masking.

Master Presentation fields and list:

After searching a value in the Master DB, the result appears in a grid list. The user can select the row action "View" and open a card page which includes various information. The fields that can be displayed in the grid list as columns and in the presentation card page are configurable, based on the below available fields:

  • First Name,
  • Middle Name,
  • Last Name,
  • BP Name,
  • Tax Office,
  • Email,
  • Telephone1,
  • Telephone2,
  • Mobile Phone,
  • Membership ID,
  • Additional ID,
  • Federal Tax ID,
  • Unified Federal Tax ID,
  • Street,
  • Street Number,
  • Zip Code,
  • City,
  • State,
  • Country,
  • Block

Validation fields:

After checking the presentation fields, the user can:

  • directly "Download" the Business Partner in the Local DB under his Company. This is in the cases where the user has searched a value and this value was found in field that was configured as "trustworthy".
  • or "Validate and Download" the Business Partner in the Local DB under his Company. This is in the cases where the user has searched a value and this value was found in field that was configured as "non-trustworthy".

In order for a user to validate his intention to download a Business Partner, he has to type correctly (exact match) at least one of the requested "Confirmation" fields in the validation pop-up window. The available fields, which can be configured as confirmation fields and appear in the pop-up are: 

  • Email,
  • Telephone1,
  • Telephone2,
  • MobilePhone,
  • MembershipID,
  • AdditionalID,
  • FederalTaxID,
  • UnifiedFederalTaxID,
  • Street

Each non-trustworthy Search Field should at least one Confirmation Field. If a Business Partner is found via a non-trustworthy field, then the user must know at least one of the Confirmation Field values in order to download the Business Partner from the Master database. 

Business Benefit

The existence of a Centralized customer data provides the following benefits the the Importer:

  1. Opportunity for centralized marketing activities for the promotion of products and services
  2. Increase of the campaigns penetration rate, due to the fact that information kept for a customer are always up to date.

The benefits for the Dealers are that:

  1. they have access to the most recent customer data.
  2. they have operational efficiency when adding at the local level a new customer, since he might be already known and only be downloaded from the Master installation.


In order to enable the Master Data Concept in any project, the existence of a Master DB and an OneDealer application, hosted in the IIS and linked with this Master DB, is required. After the mentioned infrastructural setup is finished, the configuration for the Master-Local system to communicate should take place:

  1. Prepare one administrator User that should be "InterCompany Operation" and should have Administration Group and Login to all the available Companies of the Local DB and the Master Company of the Master DB.
  2. On the Local installation set the Setup Key “HasMasterInstallation” = “true”.
  3. On the Master installation set the Setup Key “HasMasterInstallation” = “false”.
  4. On the Local installation create a Dealer Company (~/SetupEntities/List/Administration/DealerCompanies) that represents the Master DB, with the following fields:
    1. Code (auto genrated)
    2. Description (informational field)
    3. Is Master Installation = YES
    4. B1 Company Name = Master DB Schema name
    5. B1 Url = Master OD application URL
    6. Username = The OneDealer Username of a User that can login to the Master Installation. This user should be an admin user, who has enabled "Intercompany Operator" in his user management configuration in the Master installation.
    7. Password = The OneDealer Password for the login of the above mentioned user.
    8. Company Code = The "Code" of the Master Company inside the Master installation
  5. On the Local installation set the Setup Key "MasterCompanyCode" with the Code that will be autogenerated (3.a.) from the Dealer Company entry created in the previous step.

Important Note: Into the Dealer Company table only one entry should have "Is Master Installation = YES".

Example for a Dealer Company entry

Example for a Dealer Company entry 

Additional Information

Related functionalities:

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