General Description of the Feature

This feature is closely related with the "Master Data Concept" feature which was introduced in the product level of version 2.40. The Master DB Data Import process is developed to cover two scenarios:

  1. The enablement of a Master installation into an already live project. In this scenario the customer data that already exist in the Local database should be checked and prepared to be imported into the Master DB
  2. The addition and enablement of a new Dealer in the Local DB. In this scenario the customer data of the new dealer should be, as a first step, prepared and imported into the Local DB and then checked and be imported into the Master DB as well. Before importing the data of a new dealer into the Master DB, possible duplicate customer data with the existing master data should be found and be prepared for the info.

Steps for a successful import per scenario

Scenario A: This scenario is relevant only for projects that enable the Master Data Concept into an already live installation.

  1. The DB Team should export the Customer Data from the Local DB in a status right before the enablement of the Master installation
  2. The Consulting Team checks the newly generated excel with the customer data from the Local DB and fill up certain fields that re mandatory for the rest of the procedure (Extra Details - CP: U_IDMS_MasterContactCode & U_IDMS_MasterCardCode)
  3. The DB Team takes the generated excel from step 1 and autogenerates the excel for the import into the Master installation
  4. The Consulting Team checks the newly generated Import to Master installation excel and approves the import. In this excel and in the spreadsheet called "MasterDataLink" exists the whole link between the Local and Master customer entries for Business Partner, Contact Person and Addresses.
  5. The DB Team imports the prepared data into the Master DB.

Scenario B: This scenario is prepared to cover the need of adding the customer data of a new dealer into the Local and Master DB, the linkage between the two databases and the possibility of handling duplicate entries (a customer already exists in Master DB because of Dealer A and also exists in the new data that are about to be imported).

  1. The DB Team exports the latest version of the customer data from the Master DB
  2. The Consulting Team prepares the import excel with the new customer data for the Local DB and with Dimensions the new Dealer Company. In this case the consulting team should:
    1. Generate the Card Codes for the new customer entries (unique codes into the database) and also generate the Master DB Card Code, Master DB Contact codes and Master DB Address Codes in the relevant fields in the excel. More info regarding the excel can be found below.
    2. Consult the Master DB export excel (step 1) and try to identify if there are any customers in the new list what already exist in Master DB. If yes, then the consultants should use the existing "Master DB Codes" for these entries and not generate new.
  3. The DB Team takes the prepared excel and imports it into the Local DB
  4. The DB Team autogenerates the excel for the import into the Master installation.
  5. The Consulting Team checks the newly generated Import to Master installation excel and approves the import. In this excel and in the spreadsheet called "MasterDataLink" exists the whole link between the Local and Master customer entries for Business Partner, Contact Person and Addresses.
  6. The DB Team imports the prepared data into the Master DB.

How to fill the excel with new customer data

OCRD (Business Partner):

Field NameCardCodeCardNameCardTypeGroupCodeCmpPrivatePhone1Phone2FaxCntctPrsnLicTradNumListNumCurrencyCellularCityCountyCountryE_MailCreateDateUpdateDateECVatGroupLangCodeU_IDMS_UpdateTimeU_IDMS_CreateTimeU_IDMS_DIM_BranchU_IDMS_DIM_CompanyU_IDMS_DIM_LocationU_IDMS_CustomVATU_IDMS_CreateDateU_IDMS_UpdateDateU_IDMS_VIPU_IDMS_BusPartMasNoBillToDef
CommentsValue = Unique code of the BP in the Local DB

Field: Name

BP Name for Companies or Last Name & First Name for Private

Field: Business Partner Type


  • C= Customer,
  • L = Lead,
  • V= Vendor

The customers that are added into the Master DB should always be of type "C" .

Value: 100

Field: Type


  • I = Private,
  • C= Company

Field: Telephone1

Field: Telephone2

Field: Fax

Field: Main Contact Person 

Value: OCPR.Name


Federal Tax ID

Field: Pricelist

Field: Currency

Value: EUR

Field: Mobile PhoneCity of the BPCountry of the BPValue: The selected Country Code.Field: Email

Field can be left empty.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Field can be left empty.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Field: Vat Group

Value: The selected Vat group code

Field: Language

Value: The selected Language Code

Field can be left empty.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Field can be left empty.

Format: HHMM

Value: The Code of the Branch for Dimension Permission purposes.Value: The Code of the Company for Dimension Permission purposes.Value: The Code of the Location for Dimension Permission purposes.

Field: Vat Group

Value: The Vat percentage for this BP.

Format: 20.000000

Field can be left empty.

Format: HHMM

Field can be left empty.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Field: VIP


  • Y = YES
  • N = NO

Value: The Card Code that the related BP Master record has.

Proposal: U_IDMS_DIM_Company & CardCode

Value from: CRD1.Address

Add the value of the main BP Address.

Example10Luft MarioC100I+380256325632+380256325633
Luft Mario



AWTD10Address 1

OCPR (Contact Person):

Field NameCntctCodeCardCodeNamePositionAddressTel1Tel2CellolarFaxE-mailGenderProfessionUpdateDateUpdateTimeTitleActiveFirstNameMiddleNameLastNameU_IDMS_CreateTimeU_IDMS_UpdateTimeU_IDMS_GenderU_IDMS_PositionU_IDMS_DIM_BranchU_IDMS_DIM_CompanyU_IDMS_DIM_LocationU_IDMS_LanguageU_IDMS_VocativeFirstNameU_IDMS_TitleU_IDMS_CreateDateU_IDMS_VocativeLastNameU_IDMS_UpdateDateU_IDMS_PassportIDU_IDMS_ContactCodeU_IDMS_MasterContactCodeU_IDMS_MasterCardCode

Field can be left empty.

Unique code of the CP in the Local DB.

Value from: OCRD.CardCode

The Card Code of the related BP.

Last Name & First NameField: Position

Value from: CRD1.Address

Add the value of this CP's Address.

Field: Telephone1Field: Telephone2Field: Mobile PhoneField: FaxField: Email

Field: Gender


  • F = Female
  • M = Male
  • E = Unknown

Field: Profession

Field can be left empty.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Field can be left empty.

Format: HHMM

Field: Title

Value: The Code of the selected Title


  • Y = YES
  • N = No
Field: First NameField: Middle NameField: Last Name

Field can be left empty.

Format: HHMM

Field can be left empty.

Format: HHMM


  • gt_Male = Male
  • gt_Female = Female
  • gt_Undefined = Unknown

Value: The Code of the Branch for Dimension Permission purposes.Value: The Code of the Company for Dimension Permission purposes.Value: The Code of the Location for Dimension Permission purposes.

Field: Language

Value = OCRD.LangCode

The selected Language Code

Field: Vocative First Name

Value: FirstName

Field: Title

Value = Title

The Code of the selected Title

Field can be left empty.

Format: HHMM

Field: Vocative Last Name

Value = LastName

Field can be left empty.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Field: Passport IDValue = Unique code of the CP in the Local DB.

Value: The Contact Code that the related CP Master record has.

Proposal: U_IDMS_DIM_Company & U_IDMS_ContactCode

Value = OCRD.U_IDMS_BusPartMasNo

Proposal: U_IDMS_DIM_Company & CardCode

10Luft Mario





CRD1 (Addresses):

Field NameAddressCardCodeLineNumStreetZipCodeCityCountryStateBlockAdresTypeStreetNoU_AddressTypeU_IDMS_LatitudeU_IDMS_LongitudeU_IDMS_ODCountryCodeU_IDMS_ODCountryU_IDMS_ContactCodeU_IDMS_CreateDateU_IDMS_UpdateDateU_IDMS_AddressCodeU_IDMS_DIM_BranchU_IDMS_DIM_CompanyU_IDMS_DIM_LocationU_IDMS_MasterAddressCodeU_IDMS_MasterCardCodeU_IDMS_MasterContactCodeU_IDMS_AddressType

Passible Values: Address 1, Address 2, Address 3 etc.

For each Address with the same Card Code (BP/CP) add a higher value (Address 1, Address 2, Address 3 etc.)

Value from: OCRD.CardCode

The Card Code of the related BP.

For each Address with the same Card Code (BP/CP) add a higher LineNum (1, 2, 3 etc.)Field: StreetField: Zip CodeField: CityField: CountryField: StateField: Block

Field: Type (in the Address of Company BP)


  • B = Bill to
  • S = Ship to

In case that the Address belongs to a Private BP, always add the value "B".

Field: Street Number

Field: Type (in the Address of PrivateBP)


  • 1 = Home
  • 2 = Work
  • 3 = Unknown

In case that the Address belongs to a Company BP add the value "3".

Latitude of the Address.Longitude of the Address.

Value: The selected country Code

Value: The selected country

Value from: OCRD.U_IDMS_ContactCode

The Contact Code of the related CP.

Field can be left empty.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Field can be left empty.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Value = Unique code of the Address in the Local DB.Value: The Code of the Branch for Dimension Permission purposes.Value: The Code of the Company for Dimension Permission purposes.Value: The Code of the Location for Dimension Permission purposes.

Value: The Address Code that the related Address Master record has.

Proposal: U_IDMS_DIM_Company & U_IDMS_AddressCode

Value = OCRD.U_IDMS_BusPartMasNo

Proposal: U_IDMS_DIM_Company & CardCode

Value: The Contact Code that the related CP Master record has.

Proposal: U_IDMS_DIM_Company & U_IDMS_ContactCode

Value = U_AddressType
ExampleAddress 1101Bilomorska Street02000KyivUA



Extra Details BP (IDMS_CST_FIELD)

Field NameU_IDMS_EntityU_IDMS_StrProperty1U_IDMS_StrProperty2U_IDMS_StrProperty3U_IDMS_EntityValue
CommentsValue = BusinessPartner

Field: Customer Is Dealer


  • true
  • false
Field: Business Partner Full NameField: Main Address

Value from: OCRD.CardCode

The Card Code of the related BP.

ExampleBusinessPartnerfalseДенисов Дмитрий СергеевичУкраина Луганская г. Луганск вул. 50р. Утворення СРСР, б.3410

Extra Details CP (IDMS_CST_FIELD)

Field NameU_IDMS_EntityU_IDMS_StrProperty1U_IDMS_StrProperty3U_IDMS_StrProperty9U_IDMS_DateProperty1U_IDMS_ContactCodeCardCodeCntctCodeU_IDMS_MasterContactCodeU_IDMS_MasterCardCode
CommentsValue = ContactEmployee

Field: Is Citizen of Ukraine


  • true
  • false
Field: Issued By

Field: Passport is Old


  • true
  • false

Field: Date of Issue

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

Value from: OCRD.U_IDMS_ContactCode

The Contact Code of the related CP.

Value from: OCRD.CardCode

The Card Code of the related BP.

Value from: OCPR.CntctCode

Field can be left empty.

Value: The Contact Code that the related CP Master record has.


Proposal: U_IDMS_DIM_Company & U_IDMS_ContactCode

Value: The Card Code that the related BP Master record has.


Proposal: U_IDMS_DIM_Company & CardCode


Date Privacy Statement Master

Field NameCodeU_TypeU_BPCode
CommentsValue = Unique code of the Data Privacy statement of a BP in the Local DB.Value = BP

Value from: OCRD.CardCode

The Card Code of the related BP.


Data Privacy Statement Detail

Field NameCodeLineIdU_TypeU_SymbolCodeU_PhoneChannelStateU_PostChannelStateU_EmailChannelStateU_SMSChannelStateU_printTimeU_ExpiredSymbolCodeDtU_UcMrktSurveyU_UcPromotionU_UcProfPrsServU_SignedPolicyU_ProhibitDialog
CommentsValue: The unique code of this entry added in the field "Code" in the above table.Value = 1Value = DField can be left empty.

Field: Phone Channel


  • N = No
  • Y = Yes

Field: Postal (Mail) Channel


  • N = No
  • Y = Yes

Field: E-Mail Channel


  • N = No
  • Y = Yes

Field: SMS Channel


  • N = No
  • Y = Yes
Field can be left empty.Field can be left empty.

Field: Market and Customer Satisfaction Surveys


  • N = No
  • Y = Yes

Field: Promotion of Products and Services


  • N = No
  • Y = Yes

Field: Profiling for personalized Services and Products


  • N = No
  • Y = Yes

Field: The customer has signed the current privacy policy


  • N = No
  • Y = Yes
Field can be left empty.



Marked with red are the fields that are mandatory when having an entry in this table.

Marked with green are the fields that is proposed to be field when having an entry in this table.

Marked with white are the fields that can be left empty when having an entry in this table.

The above explained excel can be downloaded from here: AWT_Master_DataExportLocalDB.xlsx The data in all the spreadsheets of excel should be delivered as Text.

Business Benefit

The Master DB Data Import Process gives the possibility:

  1. to an existing live customer to enhance their solution with the Master Database Concept and integrate the existing customer data.
  2. to a new Dealer Company to be included into a customer solution at any time.


Additional Information

  • Feature No.: ODP-1101
  • Related Parent feature:  ODP-1105
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