
Creating or editing a new Service Lead

To manually create or to edit a new Service Lead, click Service Leads menu item 

On the JobOrderList that opens, you can either click on the plus button (1) to create a new Service Lead or any DocEntry number (2) to open an existing Service Lead.

Keep in mind that you can also click on Booking Code or JobCard links per row, which will redirect you to the corresponding JobOrder.

Creating a Service Lead (Job Card)

When pressing the plus button (as described above) a popup pops and you have to enter the Contact and Vehicle Details.

When developing/testing using a local or remote deployment that fetches data from RCGENDEV consider using

  • MERCEDES as Make,
  • Sprinter(2) MJ 2000-06 as Family and
  • Sprinter(2) 308CDI, 311CDI, 313CDI, 316CDI,314 as Model/Model as a comment

The above loadout is tested and has customer concerns (needed in following steps)

Adding a Customer Concern

When you are on a Service Lead/Job Card before making and eventually accepting an offer, you must first have a Customer Concern to charge the customer.

To add a new Customer Concern click on the header plus icon from anywhere on the Service Lead.

Then select a service from the list and after that a package.

If there is no service or/and package in any of the lists, you have probably used a Make/Family/Model that has no Customer Concern. Consider creating a new job order, using the loadout described in Creating a Service Lead (Job Card) chapter.

If you go to the customer concern tab you will now see the new CC.

Creating an offer

Now that there is a Customer Concern for your Service Lead/Job Card, it is time for a Service Advisor to look into it and make an offer to the client.

To make the offer, simply got to header Actions, then Offer and at last click on Create Offer, to open a form to digitally sign or

A PDF with the Offer is now generated and available under the Related Tab

Signing the offer

Now that an offer has been made, the Customer has to sign it. There are two possibilities for that:

  1. They sign the offer outside OneDealer via the generated PDF
  2. They digitally sign the offer via OneDealer

Signing the offer outside OneDealer

As described in the previous chapter, when the creation of the offer is successful, an Offer PDF is getting generated and is available for View/Download under the Related Tab.

The Service Advisor can give a physical or digital copy of that PDF to the customer to be signed.

After that the form must be uploaded via Actions → Offer → Upload Signed Document

Signing the offer inside OneDealer

Instead of manually uploading a signed form the Service Advisor can provide the customer with a tablet in which the Order Confirmation will have been loaded and the Customer will digitally sign it.

To proceed with this option, go to to Actions → Offer → View Order Confirmation

The Offer will appear and the Service Advisor will have to click on the signature button on the left for the confirmation

The customer will then sign the form.

Signing the Vehicle Pickup

The Customer has accepted the offer, the offer has been converted to order and the service fixed the issue. It is time for the customer to pickup the vehicle.

Before that the customer will have to sign the Vehicle Pickup form, available at Actions → Offer → Vehicle Pick-up (new menu item, not available before)

A similar form to the offer one will be loaded and the customer will have to sign again on the right section this time.

Order Extensions

It is possible when an offer is created, a new Customer Concern to be added to the Service Lead/Job Card.

If that is the case, an offer extension can be made (available at Actions → Offer → Create Offer for Order Extension) and then follow the Signing the Offer/Vehicle Pickup flow.

If no extension offer made while there is a Customer Concern not included in the previous offers, it is still possible to continue to the Vehicle Pickup confirmation form without making and extension offer.
However the Vehicle Pickup confirmation form will include the unaccounted Customer Concern(s) while the left section signature area will also be empty.

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