


Feature No.

ODP-8479 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-9414 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features



2025.0.0, 3.4.0-MENA

Conf. for Technical Upgrade


General Description of the Feature

This feature enhances the price simulation process in offer creation by allowing salespersons to manually adjust prices and add discounts or surcharges to vehicle/item offers. The adjustments ensure that these manual changes are not overridden during the price simulation process.

Manual Priced Items:

  • Salespersons can manually change the prices of vehicles/items during offer creation.
  • These manually adjusted prices are flagged so that the DMS price simulation does not alter them.
  • The flag PriceEdited is set to true for these items and saved in the IDMS_DocumentItem.U_IDMS_PriceEdited field, ensuring that the edited prices are retained even when reopening a previously created offer.

Implementation Details:

  • Business Case (12352): 12352 - “User can edit prices of the offer items in Retail and in Multi Unit,” - This business case permits a user to edit all document items within a retail or multi-unit sales offer. This is valid only in Tenants where the document items are not editable by default. 
    warning For the Product implementation, all Vehicle, special options and item document lines are by default editable for all users.
  • Flagging Edited Prices: If a user edits an item price, the system captures this information. When the offer is sent to the DMS for price simulation, the specific document item with the PriceEdited flag set to true will have its price maintained as edited.
  • Retention of Edited Prices: The edited price information is saved in the IDMS_DocumentItem.U_IDMS_PriceEdited field, ensuring consistency and retention of manually edited prices across sessions and simulations.

Business Benefit 

This enhancement provides greater flexibility and control over pricing during offer creation, allowing salespersons to make manual adjustments and add specific discounts or surcharges without these changes being overridden during price simulations.



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