


Feature No.

ABES-248 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ABES-252 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features3.15.3 - Integration with Softly



2025.0.0, 3.0.0-ABES

Conf. for Technical Upgrade


General Description of the Feature

This feature update focuses on enhancing the management of vehicle listings on the Softly marketplace 3.15.3 - Integration with Softly by adding functionalities for updating vehicle publications, hiding publications, and removing publications.

Update Vehicle (Republish Vehicle):

  • Users can republish a vehicle after updating its details by selecting the "Republish" option from the actions menu. This action not only updates the vehicle's information on the Softly marketplace but also unhides the vehicle if it was previously hidden.

Hide Publication:

  • Users can hide a vehicle from the marketplace by selecting the "Hide Publication" option from the actions menu. If the vehicle is already hidden, this option will not be available. On Softly, the vehicle will be marked as hidden, and its publication status in OneDealer will be updated to "Hidden."

Remove Publication:

  • Users can completely remove a vehicle from the marketplace by selecting the "Delete Publication" option from the actions menu. This action will delete the vehicle from the Softly marketplace and update its publication status in OneDealer to "Removed." In case this vehicle is published again, the new publication in SOFTLY Marketplace will receive a new publication code.

Business Benefit 

These enhancements streamline the management of vehicle listings by providing flexible options to update, hide, or remove vehicles from the marketplace. This ensures that the vehicle information is current and accurately reflected on the Softly marketplace, improving inventory management and enhancing the user experience by allowing quick adjustments to vehicle availability and visibility.



Additional Information


  • Integration with the SOFTLY Marketplace must be properly configured
  • Softly API endpoints must be accessible for real-time updates

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