


Feature No.

PROCAR-85 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

QA-5682 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features

Product (Demonstration)



Conf. for Technical Upgrade


General Description of the Feature

Predicted Closing Date on an Opportunity should signify the final date where all intermediate activities have been completed.

A new model was introduced where, during the creation of the Lead or Opportunity this date is mandatory and is populated.

New package module added -> “BlockWorkflowByClosingDate”

When the module is active, the activity creation and rescheduling for the Opportunities in both sales and wholesales is taking into consideration the predicted closing date and the user is forced to move the closing date after the start of the intermediate activities to continue with the workflow.

Additionally, during the processing of the Opportunity and the creation/rescheduling of any intermediate activities a starting date is defined for each of these. When this starting date is after the Predicted Closing Date of the main Opportunity, a prompt is shown to the user so that a rescheduling of this concluding date can be performed (and is mandatory if the appropriate module is active).

The changes to fill the Predicted Closing Date and the logic to shift it in time so that it shows the concluding date of the Opportunity are done both in Sales and Wholesales areas.

Predicted Closing Date is now shown in Wholesale Opportunities as in Opportunities List:

  • Conversion Lead to Opportunity (both Retail sales and whole sales)

When converting an existing lead to opportunity (in both sales and wholesales) using the action “convert to opportunity” the following popup to set the “Predicted Closing Date” is being shown and the system provides a default value based on the existing setup key “OpporPredClosingDays”:

When creating a new Wholesale Opportunity:

  • Creation of activities and shifting of already defined predicted closing date when exceeded.

When a new activity is created and we have an active module that blocks the Workflow Process if the Opportunity closing date is exceeded, a check is introduced to the newly created activity.

This check will be performed on the Activity Start Date and the Opportunity Predicted Closing Date.

  • When Opportunity Predicted Closing Date < Activity Start Date and the user tries to save the new Activity, the process is blocked and a rescheduling on the predicted closing date of the Opportunity should be performed after the Activity Start Date.

This is done by showing the Popup in the screenshot below so the user can shift the Predicted Closing Date of the Opportunity to a Date after the Activity Start Date that is about to be created:

Validation error when a user tries to add a value before the activity start date:

Note that the Opportunity Predicted Closing Date is prompted to be changed and not the Activity Start Date

This behavior for the Activity Creation is applied on both Sales and Wholesales Opportunities.

  • Re-scheduling of existing activities and predicted closing date shift.

Same validation on the dates (if the module that controls this behavior is active) is done when an existing activity is rescheduled to another date.

In this scenario, when the Activity Start Date exceeds the Opportunity Predicted Closing Date, the popup that blocks the rescheduling of the activity is shown again so the user can change the Predicted Closing Date to be later than the modified Activity Start Date:

When the opportunity reaches the sign order state there is no request to adjust the predicted closing date.
This behavior for the Activity Rescheduling is applied on both Sales and Wholesales Opportunities.

Business Benefit 

When creating a new opportunity the sales person should see the calculated closing date and has the possibility to change it.


Administration and Process pages

New package module added -> “BlockWorkflowByClosingDate”

Setup Keys

WholesaleOppPredictedClosingDateMulti-Unit Sale Opportunity predicted closing date offset in days (NOW + N days)
OpporPredClosingDaysOpportunity predicted closing date offset in days (NOW + N days)

Additional Information

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