


Feature No.

ODP-2607 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-5689 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features

General Description of the Feature

The Workshop Disposition Calendar is a sophisticated solution designed to enhance the efficiency of call center operations by assisting agents in scheduling appointments for vehicle servicing. This application facilitates the process by providing real-time visibility into the availability of service advisors, while concurrently analyzing workshop utilization metrics. Through this integrated approach, users are empowered to identify optimal appointment slots for customers, ensuring efficient resource allocation and customer satisfaction.

 (minus)  Serious resource handling issue in case of more than 1 service location: QA-5363Workshop Dispo Calendar - booking consumes the capacity of other sites too

Business Benefit

Implementing the Workshop Disposition Calendar offers several business benefits:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: By streamlining the appointment scheduling process, the tool reduces the time and effort required by call center agents, leading to increased productivity and cost savings.

  2. Improved Customer Service: The ability to quickly find the best appointment slots for customers enhances overall service delivery, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  3. Optimal Resource Utilization: Real-time visibility into service advisor availability and workshop utilization enables better resource management, maximizing the efficiency of operations and minimizing downtime.

  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: The tool provides valuable insights into appointment scheduling trends and workshop performance metrics, empowering decision-makers to make informed decisions to further optimize operations and drive business growth.



This page is accessible via the url ~/WorkshopDispotool/LocationsOfCompany

  1. Company Calendar

    At the top right corner, a page action redirects to the calendar of the logged in company.

  2. Location Calendar

    The grid list of the page has a source all the locations of the logged in company that are marked as “Service”.

light bulb Company Calendar - to be used when all locations have the same working hours.  Otherwise, the Location Calendar should be used.

Create Calendar

by pressing Company calendar button or Location Calendars menu the calendar page is opened

  • new calendar can be created by pressing a page action (+) 

  • existing calendar can be modified or deleted by row actions:

    1. View Calendar: that redirects the user to the calendar page

    2. Delete: delete the selected calendar




Title of the calendar.


Yes/No indicating if the calendar is active.

Valid From

Date picker indicating the date that starts the calendar to be valid.

Valid To

Date picker indicating the date that stops the calendar to be valid.

Working Days

Multi selection control with the days of the week indicating the days that the selected location/company is working.

Start Time

Time picker to set the start of the working hours of the selected location/company.

End Time

Time picker to set the end of the working hours of the selected location/company.

Booking Allowance in Days

Positive number indicating how many days in the future from now the user can add appointment.

Appointment interval in minutes

Static values (20, 30, 60) indicating the time that an appoint will hold in the calendar.

Daily Capacity Type

Static values (Hours, Appointments/JobCards, Customer Concerns) indicating the way we will calculate the qualifications for this calendar.

Used for

Static values (B2C, Call Center, B2C/CallCenter) indicating the type of calendar.


Dropdown with all the possible timezones.

Calendar Page

The calendar page contains two tabs: Details, Exceptions

Details Tab

Exceptions Tab

The exceptions tab contains three grid lists that show the existing exceptions.

Possible Exceptions

  • Non-Working Recurring Day

 One date picker control that the user can select the date that will be an exception for the selected calendar. The logic behind creating an exception of Non-Working Recurring Day is that the selected date will be a non-working day that is recurring each year. As an example the 28th of October is the Nation Day Of Ochi in Greece and all the companies are not working.

  • Non-Working Date

One date picker control that the user can select the date that will be an exception for the selected calendar. The logic behind creating an exception of Non-Working Date is that the selected date will be a non-working day for the selected calendar. As an example the location of Kifisias is not working the next Wednesday because they have to upgrade their systems.

  • Different Start/End Time

One multi-selection dropdown with the Working Days of the selected calendar and two time controls that the user can select a specific start and end time for the selected working days. The logic behind the Different Start/End Time exception is that a location may has as a need that one working day the working times are different. As an example, a location has selected as working days from Monday to Saturday and on Saturday the working hours are from 08:00 am to 14:30pm.

Create Exception

by pressing the (+)action button a new exception can be created

 When the popup opens the user can select a type of the exception needed to be created.

Working Days Configuration

For each working day of the selected calendar, there is a grid control with lines displayed for all the existing qualifications.

The second column, in our case shown as “Hours”, is the “Daily Capacity Type” selected at the calendar level. The third column is the “Used For” selected also at the calendar level.

The user can set the “Daily Capacity Type” and the percentage of the “Used for” appointments

Disposition Calendar (Workshop Scheduler)

Disposition calendar can only be accessed from inside a Job Card or Appointment. A new page button has been added at the Job Card page and is only accessible by the Business Case: “12177”.

Workshop Scheduler (Disposition Calendar) opened

Location (drop-down)

Dropdown with all the service locations that the logged in user can log in.

Service Advisor (drop-down)

The user can see all the disposition tool activities for each service advisor.  By clicking on the highlighted area on the name of the desired service advisor he will be redirected back to the Workshop Scheduler page and the selected service advisor will be added.

Hover box

By clicking on the reservation, the system will display more information

Entry date = Arrival Date Time of Reception tab
Promised date = Pick Up Date Time of Reception tab

Start Date

Start date is a date picker control that the user can select a new start date to view the calendar instead of moving with right and left arrows.

The available days count is set by a setup key (“WDSchedulerWorkingDays”) that has as default value 14.
light bulb The hard-coded limit is 6 months (around 129 working days), since the process of calculating the available days and retrieving the necessary data has a high server load.


We get all the Job Cards/Appointments that have as Entry date or Appointment date at the working days of the selected calendar and count the Percentage of the qualifications that is set.

If there is no working days configuration, then we cannot measure the percentage of each qualification.
If the total available resources of qualification were not defined (null), a red graph is displayed, indicating 100%



Below the charts there are time frames created from the start time to the end time with an interval selected at the calendar.

  • Grey: Not available

  • Blue: Available

  • Blue with green border: Selected

The timeframes availability is related to the fact that there are dispotool activities set for each timeframe for the selected advisor.



User selects Location and the Service advisor. When the service advisor has been selected, the system loads they free and reserved appointments.
User clicks on a free slot to select the desired appointment, and confirms the selection by clicking the save button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

information If job Card type is Appointment: Appointment Date Time is updated

information If job Card type is Job Card: Arrival Date Time is updated

Modify an existing booking

Repeat the booking process by choosing another time-slot from the calendar and save the changes.

Cancel booking

It has been decided to add an external function that the workflow managers can add wherever they deem needed in the workflow. 

This WF function is called "CloseLastWDActivity" and closes the last open WD calendar activity of the JobCard.  For this process to make sense, we know hide all Closed activities in the WD calendar.

information This can be used as a complement to the transition step for canceling a job card, or as a stand-alone step (without canceling the job card).

Business Cases:


Workshop Dispotool Setup


Workshop Dispotool Calendar

Administration and Process pages:



The grid list of the page has a source all the locations of the logged in company that are marked as “Service”.

information If 0 entries displayed, there were no Location found as „Service”. Please double-check the locations setup.

Setup Keys:


Option Fields:



Transition Required Views

External Functions


It closes the last open disposition tool calendar activity of the JobCard.


Additional Information

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