


Feature No.

ODP-1188 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-6977 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features

ODP-8022 - Getting issue details... STATUS

General Description of the Feature

The new functionality allows the handling/maintaining of recalls & service Campaigns in DASW. An interface is provided for creating (and later importing) campaigns. The Job Card and Appointment JC applications monitor the VINs involved in the campaign and either alert the user of the campaign or automatically add it to the transaction.

Warning: the campaign import function was not yet developed. The only way to use this feature is to create campaigns manually - which is quite problematic.

In the automotive industry, we have to distinguish between two terms:

Recalls: is when a vehicle has safety related defects. Those used to be not announced and there is no mileage or period limitations.

Service Campaigns: is when a manufacturer voluntarily recalls NON-SAFETY related issues and either repair them free of charge or at a reduced rate. Many times, those used to have either mileage or period limitations.

Recall Campaigns Page

... /RecallCampaign/list

Multi-branch support

Vehicles involved in a campaign can show up at any of the company's sites, therefore the campaigns are valid at all branches.

Functions of Recall Campaigns page


In the Recall Campaigns page users are able to search for a Recall / Service Campaign by

1. Make
2. Campaign No.
3. Description
4. Campaign Type
5. Campaign Status

Vehicle Involved in Campaigns

Right after importing or creating campaigns in the system, all the information is available to identify which of our customers' vehicles are involved in the current or future campaign(s). The goal is to ensure the customer brings the vehicle to the workshop as soon as possible, before one of the competitor workshops carries out the repair. By pressing the button a one-click query function runs and retrieves all the vehicles involved in any open campaign (so that owners or users can be notified in advance).

The page lists all campaign-related vehicles where

  • Campaign Status is Open and
  • Campaign End Date > Today’s date and
  • Campaign is Active

Import campaigns

The import function is not available at the time of writing this manual. It should support the process where the user could select the path the recall campaign file is stored, and then import the selected file.

Create campaign

By pressing the Create campaign button the following dialog opens.
In the case ODP-8022 a multiple VINs implementation was introduced, meaning it is now possible to create a campaign for multiple vehicles at the same time. In case the user tries to enter the same VIN under the same Internal Campaign ID the System displays and error "VIN Already exists under the selected Recall Campaign No."


Make of vehicle involved in campaign


VIN of Vehicle involved in campaign

Campaign No

Internal campaign number

OEM Campaign No

OEM campaign number (displayed on JC)

Campaign Description

campaign Description


Recall or Technical


OEM or Dealer


Open, Prepared (added to JC), Completed (JC closed with campaign on it)

Start Date

Start Date of the campaign

End Date

End Date of the campaign



Main Labor Code

Info displayed in CC details on JC


Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC), visible on JC


Link package, package added to JC automatically

OEM Bulleting No

OEM Bulleting No

Perform Campaign

Automatically/manually added to JC


Pdf only (campaign bulletin)

Campaign Status Handling





Campaign exists and is not part of any transaction


Campaign was added to a Job Card/Appointment as CC


Job Card which contains the campaign-CC has been completed

Explanation of statuses through practice:

  • If the Recall/ Service Campaign is added to Appointment or Job Card as a CC, the system updates the Status of the campaign(s) in the Recall & Service Campaign Entity to Status “Prepared”.
  • If the Appointment or Job Card with Recall/Campaign-related CC is Cancelled, the system updates the Status of the campaign(s) in the Recall & Service Campaign Entity to Status “Open”.
  • If the Recall/Campaign-related CC is deleted from Appointment or Job Card, the system updates the Status of the campaign(s) in the Recall & Service Campaign Entity to Status “Open
  • If the Job Card is done, and it contains Recall/Campaign-related CC, the system should automatically update the Status of the campaign(s) in the Recall & Service Campaign Entity to Status “Completed

Edit or Delete Campaigns

These functions can be accessed line by line from the drop-down menu.

Recall & Service Campaigns cannot be deleted nor edited if the Campaign Status = “Prepared” or “Done”. (i.e., edit/delete possible only if status is Open)

Campaign with status “Prepared” means it was added to Job Card and the repair is in progress. Campaign with status “Done” means a completed repair.
Modifying or deleting the campaign entities in above cases would result in incomplete repair, or false/missing historical data. (e.g., completed campaigns cannot be reported to the importer, or the same campaign will pop-up for the same VIN once again, etc.) This is the reason why are only the Open campaigns editable.

Campaigns on Job Cards / Appointments

The Job Card and Appointment JC applications monitor the vINs involved in the campaign and either alert the user of the campaign or automatically add it to the transaction, depending on the Perform Campaign setup values:

Automatically: Based on the VIN, the system queries if it belongs to an Open and Active campaign, where Perform Campaign has the predefined value "Automatically". If this is the case, all suitable matches are added to the Job Card as Customer Concern. 

(grey lightbulb)Description = OEM Campaign Number + Campaign Description

Manually: Based on the VIN, the system queries if it belongs to an Open and Active campaign, where Perform Campaign has the value "Manually". If this is the case, the number of suitable campaign is counted in the "Recalls" push-button over the Customer Concerns tab.
By pressing the button, a Recall Campaigns page is opened where the required campaign could be selected (and added to the Job Card this way).

Packages linked to Campaigns

If a Package is linked to the Campaign, the system adds the applicable Bill Of Material of the Package to the Job Card.

The campaign-linked package was added together with the campaign CC to the Job Card, with all the predefined components (BOM).

Campaign details in Customer Concern details dialog

Important campaign parameters are also shown in the Details dialog. Most of the data is read-only, except the DTC code, which should be freely modified from the Job Card interface (QA-4923).
The modification entered in this way remains at Job Card level only, i.e. it has no effect on the other members of the campaign.

Campaign Bulletin

A Campaign Bulletin file is attached to the campaign during its creation from the Recall Campaigns page. Function of downloading the Campaign Bulletin of specific campaign can be reached from the CC drop-down menu.

Campaigns in progress on another Job Cards or Appointments

This feature indicates there is a campaign related to the same vehicle in progress on another Job Card.

Use case: A campaign that has already been added to a Job Card as a CC does not necessarily mean that it is really in progress. That Job Card could be a forgotten duplicate (e.g. created on another branch as well, or instead of converting appointment to job card a new job card was created by the user...etc).  Without this feature, the system would not warn the user and the campaign would most likely be forgotten on the duplicate transaction.

This feature was designed to bridge the above described gap, and increase the success rate of campaign repairs.
Thanks to this functionality it is indicated if any campaign for the VIN is already in progress on another Job Card of the own or another branch, so the user can check and make a decision according to the situation.

Filters (when is the message activated)

  • VIN
  • Campaign is not “Inactive”
  • Campaign Status = “Prepared”
  • Campaign not on the current Job Card as CC
  • If Campaign Type = “Recall” then display the related Recall Campaigns

Data displayed in the warning message:

  • OEM Campaign Number
  • Job Card number where the campaign is present as CC. (link to JC available)

Business Benefit

The system informs the user if there is an open service or technical campaign for the vehicle. This will result in the following benefits:

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction
  • Legal compliance
  • Optimized conversion rate through aftersales visits
  • Follow-through on the brand’s promise to customers


Business Cases:




View Recall Campaign Grid List


Create and Edit Recall Campaign


Delete Recall Campaign


Import Recall Campaign


Add Recall Campaign to Job Card/Appointment


Existing Recall Campaign Notification


Download Recall Campaign attachment from JobCard CC


View Recall Campaign info on JobCard CC details popup


View Vehicles involved in Recall Campaigns Grid List

Administration and Process pages:

Setup Keys:


First a new Customer Concern must be created, which will be used exclusively for campaigns. Internal Code of it must be given in the Entity Value of the above Setup Key.

Option Fields:





Transition Required Views


External Functions




Additional Information


  • Warranty Process of the Recall Campaigns is handled in the DMS

  • Generic service campaigns without VIN

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