


Feature No.

AWT-2441 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

QA-5067 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features

General Description of the Feature

The VAT In Inventory grid list calculated by three Setup Keys. The values of three setup keys are match with VAT Definition matrix.

  • In setup key DefaultBPFinGroupInventory put the Code of Financial Group
  • in DefaultBPVatGroupInventory put the code VAT Business Group
  • and in Setup key DefaultBPCardTypeInventory put the VAT Business Type (This Setup key takes the values C for Customer and S for Vendor) 

If Values of Setup keys are matched with Vat Definition matrix, the VAT in inventory calculated as follows

Business Benefit

With this feature, the calculation of the VAT for the vehicles in the inventory is achieved


Administration and Process pages:

  • /SetupEntities/FinancialGroupsGridListPage
  • /SetupEntities/List/SalesAndLeads/IDMS_VATBUSGROUP

Setup Keys:

  • DefaultBPFinGroupInventory
  • DefaultBPVatGroupInventory
  • DefaultBPCardTypeInventory

Additional Information

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