


Feature No.

RWZC-241 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

RWZC-242 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features3.7.1 - Organization: SAP Business Partner information alignment (Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division)

General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with the enhancement of the Organization and Area Data concept in DSW. The goal of this new enhancement is to incorporate the Purchase Organization concept and make some enhancements on the already existing Sales Area, for which you can find more info here 3.7.1 - Organization: SAP Business Partner information alignment (Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division)

The concept that is covered is that one customer (Business Partner) can have different values in the same set of fields (Area Data) per Purchase Organization. 

The same way that a Business Partner can have different data on a set of fields for each selected Sales Area, now it is possible to have the same differentiation in the respective fields for Purchase Areas.

A. Area Data and Configuration

The configuration and system preparation is the same as the existing functionality.

The difference in the Purchase Areas is that they are only defined from the organizations of type Purchase, no Division or Distribution Channel selection is required.


Within the Company administration card page, in the Organizations tab a list of all the available Organizations for this Company, along with their type, are displayed.

Through the Actions button, with the action "Add new Organization" an admin user can create new organizations for the relevant Company. An Organization entry can be Created, Edited and get Deleted through the row action of each entry.

The Organizations of type Purchase define a Purchase Organization.

In the Areas tab, a Purchase Area can be created only with the selection of the relevant Purchase Organization. When such is selected, no Division and Distribution Channel fields will appear for configuration.

While if an Organization of Type sales is selected, then the Division and Distribution Channel fields will cascade for selection.

The Creation and Deletion of any Organization or Area can be performed from the relevant actions provided that the user has the relevant permission.

The Deletion of any Organization or Area can be performed from the row actions of each existing entry. It is controlled from a Business Case and it is passing through validations.

  1. An Organization can be deleted only if there are no Areas created for this Organization.
  2. An Area can be deleted only if there no Master or Transactional Data using this Area. 
    1. For Areas with Organizations of Type=Sales, the data checked are Business Partners, VOIs, Documents
    2. For Areas with Organizations of Type=Purchase, the data checked are Business Partners, Purchase Leads, Trade-In Vehicles.


In the User administration card page, Organizations per Company can be assigned to the relevant User to provide permissions to see/access Area data that belong to the assigned Organizations.

B. Process

Business Partner

Under the Area tab of the Business Partner, it is now possible to prepare Purchase Area Data. This new section start with a filtering, where the user can select the Organization he is interested to.

This Area data preparation can be done also, during the Business Partner creation, through the section with the Area filtering, where an initial area can be prepared and enhanced further on the Business Partner edit.

If an Organization of type Purchase is selected, then no further filters will be expanded and the user will be prompt to add data to the purchase area related fields.

The fields are:

  • Currency: based on the active Currencies from ~/administration/currencies
  • Payment Method: Payment Methods= ~/SetupEntities/PaymentTermsGridList

On Business Partner edit (after creation), the users are able to select the same Area Data filtering to preview or edit the values added in the fields or they can select a different set of Area Data filtering to add a different set of data to the mentioned fields. All these information can be found and edited in a new tab developed in the Business Partner card page, called "Area Data".

When at least on Purchase Area is prepared with data on a Business Partner, this Business Partner is considered a "Vendor". This is marked and displayed at the header line of the Business Partner with the flag "Is Vendor".

(warning) Important Note: This flag is not related with the Business Partner Type. From now on a Business Partner can have any type (Lead / Customer) and in the same time have the flag "Is Vendor".

In systems with the Organization layer activated, the Business Partner Type = Vendor should not be used any more. A Business Partner is perceived as Vendor based on this new flag that it is triggered from the existence of a Purchase Area on the Business Partner. 

Business Partners with the flag "Is Vendor" can be filtered in the Business Partner grid list, using the relevant new filter, and can be separated through the relevant column in the grid list "Is Vendor = Yes".



When creating a new Trade-In vehicle in a Sales Lead, the Purchase Organization field has been added as mandatory information to the form. User has to select one of the available Purchase Organizations in order to add the Trade-In in the lead. 

The available Purchase Organizations in the relevant drop-down are based on the User Organization permissions.

The initial Purchase Organization in the Trade-In and in the Purchase Lead created, are based on the selected one. If the Vehicle is edited and updated from the Lead, the Purchase lead is not updated with any new information, including any change on the Purchase Organization.

However, much like the update of the final price, if any update on the Purchase Organization takes place from the Purchase Lead, the action "Override from Purchase Lead" that can be found on the Trade-In available actions, will update the Sales Lead with the new Organization.

The selected Purchase Organization is displayed:

  1. In the Sales Lead: Trade-In tab → Information sections → Organization field
  2. In the Purchase Lead: Overview tab → Area Data section → Organization field


Purchase Lead

In the form of the manual Purchase Lead creation, the selection of the Organization field is added as mandatory. After the Purchase Lead is created, the selected value is displayed in the Overview tab, as mentioned above.

A new action called “Change Area” (BC available) allows the user to change the current Area of the Purchase Lead. If the Purchase Lead is in the status any of the following statuses:

  • CustomerAccepted,
  • CustomerSigned,
  • Closed,
  • Lost

an information popup is displayed preventing and informing the users that the Area cannot change in this Status.


In any other case, the user will be able to select a Purchase Organization and change the Purchase Lead’s area data.

A new Workflow Validation called “CheckForBpPurchaseAreaData” has been developed to help controlling the mandatory information needed for the purchase lead and purchase lead documents. This validation checks if any of the mandatory Purchase Area Data fields (aka Currency) are missing for this Business Partner in the selected Purchase Area. If they are, a relevant message informs the User, when any transition with this validation is selected.

Sales Area

Along with the development of the Purchase Area and Purchase Organization, this feature includes also some enhancements affecting the Sales Area functionality, as described in the relevant feature.

  1. In version 3.7.0, there was a crucial GAP, which has been delivered. The Inactive Currency validation that was preventing Users from creating Leads with Business Partner that had Area Data, has be removed. Users are able to create both Sales and Purchase Leads with Business Partners that have Sales and Purchase Ara data.
  2. All the forms where the Division and Distribution Channel were cascading from the Organization selection, have been altered to cascade on if the Selected Organization is of type = Sales. 

Business Benefit

Incorporate and integrate the concept of Purchase Areas in DSW. Business Partners can hold multiple values per field based on the Area Data and this can affect the created Trade-Ins, Purchase Leads, Offers and Orders.


Business Cases:

Existing configuration - refer to: 3.7.1 - Organization: SAP Business Partner information alignment (Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division)

New configuration:

  •  Change Area >> 12341

Administration and Process pages:

Existing configuration - refer to: 3.7.1 - Organization: SAP Business Partner information alignment (Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division)



  • Purchase Offer/Order related: CheckForBpPurchaseAreaData (checks the group of mandatory fields and if they are filled with values in the selected Purchase Area)


Existing configuration - refer to: 3.7.1 - Organization: SAP Business Partner information alignment (Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division)

Additional Information

Feature availability

This feature is mainly developed for version 3.13.0 but it is also patched in:

  • 3.12.5

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