


Feature No.

ODP-7128 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-7375 - Getting issue details... STATUS

General Description of the Feature

The following fields were added to API in order to add data and update model tree:

  • Dealer Purchase Costs for Models
  • Options 
  • Add minimum  and maximum quantities for Option categories

The new makes or models can be found on the and the new options on the @XIS_DESGNCODE

Business Benefit

The user can check the minimum and maximum quantities of an option category.


ILOptionCategoryImportModel new properties

  1. MinQuantity  Integer ("Minimum Quantity")
  2. MaxQuantity Integer ("Maximum Quantity")

ILOptionImportModel new Properties

  1. CostPrice Decimal  "Options Cost Price"

ILOptionRuleImportModel \\{+}Refactor\\{+}

  • RelationType
    • Changes from String to Enum containing the following values
      • IsIncompatibleWith = 1,
      • Requires = 2,
      • RequiresAndIsRequiredBy = 3,
      • RequiresAnyOfSet = 4,
      • AutoAdd = 5

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  ODP-7128 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  ODP-7375 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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