


Feature No.

ODP-7157 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-7245 - Getting issue details... STATUS

General Description of the Feature

The feature deals with an enhancement of the Inquiry grid list and provides the possibility to view and filter the contents of the list based on their origin.

Grid List Contents

In general the Inquiry grid list includes two types of inquiries:

  1. Manual Inquiries: Inquiries that have been created either from the "CreateInquiryInterestByCase" API or manually from the plus (plus) button of the grid list.
  2. Automatic Inquiries: Each time a Retail Sales Lead/Opportunity is created, an Inquiry, linked with this sales lead, is created as well, automatically by the system.

All these Inquiries are available and displayed in the Inquiry Grid List.

New Filter

With the implementation of this feature a new column and a new filter are introduced in the grid list, called "Automatically Processed". The field can take values Yes/No, which are explained as follows:

A new field “@IDMS_INQUIRY_BUFFER.U_IDMS_IsSystemic” was created, and holds the origin of the created inquiry. The available values are:

  • 1 if the inquiry is created automatically from any processes,
  • 0 if the inquiry is created from the API, or by the (plus) button in the inquiry grid list.

In the UI the new field will include:

  • Yes (“U_IDMS_IsSystemic” = 1) if the inquiry was created automatically from the System and
  • No (“U_IDMS_IsSystemic” = 0) if the inquiry was created through our API or by the (plus) button in the inquiry grid list.

Feature version

Feature developed in version 3.7.0 but finalized in version 3.8.0

Business Benefit

Have a better control and overview on the inquiries created and displayed based on the creation origin.



Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  ODP-7157 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  ODP-7245 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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