General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with the development of two new Workflow tools, one External Function called "Create Vehicle snapshot" and one Validation called "Check Purch Lead Snapshot". This new tools can be placed respectively into the Workflow under some transitions and pass the relevant WF transitions from a validation process.

The External Function "Create Vehicle snapshot" when triggered from a transition execution when get and save to the DB a vehicle snapshot regarding the following fields:

  • first registration date
  • mileage
  • amount of pre-owners
  • Accident free (checkbox)

The Validation "Check Purch Lead Snapshot" should be configured to do a pre-validation, so it will be triggered as soon as the user reaches the state under which the transitions have this validation placed, and will do the following:

  1. Check if the current values of the above mentioned fields are matching with the taken snapshot.
  2. Inform the user, with a warning section under the Activities, above the miss-matches
  3. Restrict the available transitions the user can select, only to the ones that do not have the validation placed under them.

Validation messages

Case A: No snapshot available

Case B: Snapshot available but fields are not matching

An example of a Workflow including the above process, could be the following:

Business Benefit

Through this new functionality the users have a more clear guidance on their next step in the purchase process when some vehicle information are changing.




  • Name: Check Purch Lead Snapshot

External Functions

  • Description: Create Vehicle snapshot
    • Method: CreatePurchaseLeadSnapshot

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  TOR-11672 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  QA-2820 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • No labels
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