General Description of the Feature

This feature introduced enhancements and new implementations in two vehicle related entities, the "Vehicle flags" and the "Vehicle features".

Vehicle Flags

Until now it was possible to assign to a vehicle (from the vehicle card page) only flags that were defined previously from the relevant flags administration page. The user were able to open a vehicle and select to assign flags to it, a list of pre-defines flags opened and the user could multiselect a number of flags related with this vehicle.

With the new implementation the user can even create new flags from within the "Vehicle Flags" assignment page. On the header of the page, a plus (plus) button is added, which can be used to create a completely new flag and directly assign it to the vehicle. 

The form of the "Add new vehicle Flag" button includes the following fields:

Field NameDescriptionField Type
DescriptionThe description of the new flag.

Mandatory field. Free text string

GroupA selection of possible groups this flag belongs to.

Mandatory field. Single selection drop down

OrderThe shorting order of the flagNumeration field
Resource KeyThe key of the translation codeFree text string

After filling the form and saving it, the system will create the new flag and add in the list for direct assignment to the vehicle and also future use.


Vehicle Features

This feature deal with the administration part of the vehicle features. How to create, add and edit vehicle features from within the UI of the OneDealer application. This functionality will be followed from a Part 2 of development, which will include how the created features are linked with vehicles and how these features should be displayed in the different  situations (i.e. Offer, sales process page, etc.).

The Vehicle Features can be of two types, "Package Feature" and "Feature". Both of them can be created from the administration page ~/Inventory/VehicleFeaturesGridListPage and "Features" can be children of the "Package Features" or exist separately.

The administration page includes:

  • Grid List: includes all the created features.
  • Filter button
  • Add New Package Feature: from here the Users can create new Package Features
  • Add New Feature: from here the Users can create new Features
  • Action button

Package Feature

By selecting to create a new package feature, the creation pop-up form will open and include the following fields:


  • Name: Is the description of the new feature.
  • Is Standard: Mark the feature as standard or non-standard.
  • Option Type: Drop-down with the type of the Features. Possible values: Option, Color, Trim. Values "Option" will be pre-selected.
  • Manufacturer: Lists all available manufacturers. A Feature can also be Make-less.
  • Option Category: The category of the feature. The values here come from another table called Option Categories and the Users can add values from the relevant administration page.
    Its values are cascaded from selected manufacturer. The field fetches all option categories that don’t have a Make associated with them, plus the ones that have the same make associated with them as the selected manufacturer.
  • Flag: Lists all available flags.
  • DMS Code: Free text box that resembles a third party code.
  • OEM Code: Free text box that resembles a third party code.
  • Is Package: Since we clicked the plus icon for package creation, this is marked as package and is not editable.
  • Children Feature Codes: A multi-selection grid list including all non-package features, which can be added in this (parent/package) feature as related.
    Note: it is not mandatory to have related features. It can be as stand-alone.

After the creation of a new Package Feature the system will redirect the user within the edit page of this feature and specifically on the second tab with the Prices list. From there, using the Action button the user can select to add a new price. This action should be available only for non-Standard features. All the Standard features should have by default zero price.

The Action will open the "Add Price" pop-up and the Users are able to add prices to the non-Standard Features per Make. 

  • Name: Is the Price name (description).
  • Make: List of available Makes to select from.
  • Price: The actual price amount.

With the addition of the price the Package Feature creation is concluded and the feature is available in the relevant list.


From the Vehicle Features list and by selecting to create a new "Feature", the creation pop-up form will open and include the following fields:

The included fields are the same as the create "Package Feature" pop-up form with only two important differences:

  • Is Package: Since we clicked the plus icon for feature creation, this is not marked as package and is not editable.
  • Parent Feature Code: Instead of "Children Feature Codes" here the user can select the parent "Package Feature" that will be linked with the Feature. 
    Note: it is not mandatory to have related package features. It can be as stand-alone.

A non-Package feature can only be assigned to one Package Feature. If the link is created from the field "Parent Feature Code" the user is able to select only one Package feature from the list. If the link is created from the field "Children Feature Code" the user can multi-select several features. If these feature belonged to another Package feature, they will be removed and linked with the new Package Feature.

After the Feature creation the user will be redirected again into the Edit feature page and be able to add Prices to the feature.

Both "Package Features" and "Features" can be found together in the relevant Vehicle Features list. Each row has an action button that includes two possible actions: Edit, Delete

  • Edit: The User can edit the feature. When selecting this action the edit page of the feature will open and include two possible tabs.
    • Details: Includes all the fields relative with the feature. The User can make changes and save the feature.
    • Prices: a list with all the existing prices per Make for this feature. This information and the relative "Add New Price" action should be available only if the feature is defined as non-standard.
  • Delete: On delete a popup will ask the user to confirm the action, then the system will continue with the deletion of the selected entry.
    • The selected feature will be deleted from database.
    • If the selected feature is a "Package Feature", then the user will be prompted to choose whether he wants to also delete the package contents as well. 
      • On "Yes", then together with the Package Feature, the system will also delete all of its linked “children” features.
      • On "No", then all its “children” features will be updated on the Parent field, to remove any connection with the deleted parent feature.

Option Category

As mentioned above, both package and simple Features can be categorized based on field on the creation form called "Option Category". To create option categories a new administration page has been created ~/SetupEntities/List/Vehicle/IDMS_OPTIONCATEGORY.

The "Option Category" page includes:

  • Grid List: includes all the created option categories.
  • Add New item button: created new option categories
  • Action button

By selection the plus (plus) button the creation pop-up opens and includes the following fields:

  • Description: The name of the category.
  • Resource Code: The resource key for translation.
  • Make: Make that this category relates to. An Option Category can be related with a specific Make or be Make-less, in this case it will appear as available option category no-matter the selected Make on the Feature creation.

Each option category in the grid list has a row action that includes the following:

  • Edit: Edit the selected option category
  • Delete: Delete the selected option category
  • Export: A pop-up open including the json snippet of this value.

Vehicle Card Page & Features

Currently the features can be assigned to a vehicle from the relevant Action button "Add/Remove Features" from within the vehicle card page. When selecting to add a feature the list of available feature should include only the features that are defined as make-less or their Make matches the selected vehicle Make.

All the selected features are added and displayed to the Features tab under the "Special Features" tab. This along with other functionalities related to the package/child feature relationship will be part of the Part 2 design of this feature.

Business Benefit

This feature will provide to the product a more complete solution on how to handle Vehicle Flags and Vehicle Feature. It is crucial for a competitive sales workplace and to provide such essential vehicle functionalities and give the possibility to the Users of DSW to be able to process them.


Business Cases:

  • 9388 - Vehicle Flags Creation
    Enables the plus (plus) button from within the assign flags to vehicle page.
  • 9389 - Vehicle Feature Creation
    Enables the two plus (plus) buttons, "Add New Package" & "Add New Feature", in the administration page of the Vehicle Features.

New Administration and Process pages:

The following pages can be added into the Main OneDealer menu and can be accessed either directly through the URL or from the menu.

  • Vehicle Features administration page: ~/Inventory/VehicleFeaturesGridListPage
  • Option category administration page: ~/SetupEntities/List/Vehicle/IDMS_OPTIONCATEGORY

Additional Information

Feature No.: ODP-1156

This feature is included in version 2.52, however many important fixes are included in version 2.53.

Relevant feature: ODP-2019 (The specification of Part 2 for this functionality.)

The Master Data related with the Vehicle Features can also be imported in DSW. The import templates are included in the whole Model Tree import file. A sample of this can be found here: ModelTreeData_Import.xls

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