General Description of the Feature

The OPEL Make layer functionalities/fields/enhancements should only be available/visible if the setup key EnableMakeLayerOpel is true.

In OD Adapter a periodical task (every x Min., can be free configurable per company) requests new Leads from Opel and forwards it to an endpoint of DSW. The new Leads will be imported into the "Inquiries Grid List". These particular Leads will be marked with a new "Interest Type" which will be mapped based on the Opel "Lead Type". After requesting and importing a Lead the "Import-Date" will be set for the Inquiry and this "Date" will be send to Opel through provided Webservices.

These inquiries are marked with Interest Type “OpelOEM”:

Inquiries are opened as for the others via “View”, but the inquiries/leads from Opel have an additional tab “OPEL Lead Management” where one can find the information like the OEM Lead ID, OEM Lead Type or Campaign ID.

When the Inquiry is opened for the first time a "Status Update" is sent to Opel ("Lead Opened"). After qualification the request will be converted into a "Lead" and assigned to a responsible "Sales Executive" through Lead/Opportunity reassignment or to the responsible Team of Users through the Team assignment. 

In the lead creation process the user has several configuration options through the integration of the GME Configurator:

  1. Create new Configuration: A new tab will be opened where the vehicle can be configured and saved and then the configuration can be imported via “Get Configuration”. See: 2.46-1.3. Opel OEM Integration - Opel Configurator (GME) - Part 1
  2. Load Configuration: A field is given where the user can insert a known Config-UID, which will also be imported with “Get Configuration”. See: 2.46-1.3. Opel OEM Integration - Opel Configurator (GME) - Part 1
  3. Select existing Configuration: The user will be prompt to a grid list including existing configurations made for other leads, where one can choose from. See: 2.52- 3. Opel OEM Integration - Opel Configurator (GME) - Part 2

During the Leads-Process several updates will be sent to Opel depending on the Workflow Step. These can then be seen in the Opel Dealer Portal. E.g.: Customer is satisfied and vehicle has been sold + delivered: When the last WF-Step has been saved DSW sends an update to the Dealer Portal and the lead status in the portal is changed to closed.

The following updates are triggers for the status update to the Dealer Portal of Opel:

  • Lead contacted (creation of the Lead)
  • Appointment made (Test drive booked)
  • Test Drive executed
  • Test Drive cancelled
  • Offer Created
  • Vehicle sold (vehicle delivered)
  • Lead completed (case won)
  • Close Lead (case lost)

Business Benefit

OPEL provides several Webservices (OPEL Lead Management) where "Opel Leads" can be retrieved and where it is possible to send Status-Updates for particular Leads to Opel.


Setup Keys for the Integration:

  1. EnableMakeLayerOpel (true/false)
    Defines if OPEL depended functionality is activated in general or not.
  2. OpelOEMInquirySource 
    The Source of the Inquiry that will be created
  3. OpelOEMInquiryChannel
    The Channel of the Inquiry that will be created

Mappings preparation:

  1. Access the mappings setup page in DSW (.../Mappings/MainGridList) 
  2. Relation: OneDealer to GME Configurator
  3. Object type:
    • Car Make (data from Opel for Make: opel)
    • Full Company Description (data from Opel for Company: DE0407)
    • Full Location Description (data from Opel for Location: OPDE0407.00)

Inquiry Interest Type:

  1. A new Inquiry Interest Type has been developed, called: OpelOEM
    1. Code: OpelOEM
    2. Name: OpelOEM
    3. OneDealer Code: OpelOEM


External Functions: In order for the DSW Sales Workflow to be able to update back the Opel system a set of external functions have been created. This Ext. Functions must be added in the relevant Workflow steps.

  1. Opel OEM Book Appointment: The Ext. Function responsible for the Appointment Booking update.
  2. Opel OEM Test Drive Taken: The Ext. Function responsible for the Test Drive execution update.
  3. Opel OEM Test Drive Cancelled: The Ext. Function responsible for the Test Drive cancellation update.
  4. Opel OEM Lead Contacted: The Ext. Function responsible for the Lead creation update.
  5. Opel OEM Offer Made: The Ext. Function responsible for the Offer creation update.
  6. Opel OEM Car Bought: The Ext. Function responsible for the Vehicle Delivery update.
  7. Opel OEM Lead Won: The Ext. Function responsible for the Case Won update.
  8. Opel OEM Lead Lost: The Ext. Function responsible for the Case Lost update.

Existing Configuration:

Setup Keys for the Adapter: These Setup Keys are used to link the OD Adapter with the relevant DSW. Similar configuration must be made from the adapter team. These setup keys are will from all the functionalities that the Adapter is required and used.

  1. ODExchangeAPIUrl: The URL of the Adapter. Current value in AVAG:
  2. ODExchangeAPICId: The Company Code for the Adapter. Current value in AVAG: AVAGTEST

GME Configurator: The needed configuration made for the GME configurator to function, are also needed for this functionality. Find the relevant documentation here:

Additional Information

Feature ticket: AVGA-804
Test Case: QA-1035

  • No labels


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