General Description of the Feature

The GME Configurator (Opel Configurator) is an Online-Tool where Vehicle-configurations can be made for Opel vehicles. The GME Configurator can be loaded from the Digital Sales Workplace during the process of Lead/Opportunity Creation and currently it can cover 2 business processes, the "Create New Configuration" and the "Load Configuration". 


Add Vehicle via GME Configurator

A. Create new Configuration

When the "Create new Configuration" button is selected, 

  • A Pop-up will open and it will include the following:
    • A Read-only input with Order-ID. Order-ID a generated GUID from the system, which is send to the GME Configurator in order to start a new configuration with this ID.
    • "Get Configuration" button, which the user can use in order to request the configuration from the GME Configurator website with the above ID. The configuration should be first prepared and saved in the website, otherwise error message will come that the configuration does not exist.
  • A new browser tab will open with the GME Configurator website, to create a new configuration and save it.

After the configuration preparation the user can select the "Get Configuration" and the lead can be created with the regular create lead process.


B. Load Configuration (from Opel) -

When the "Load Configuration" button is selected, 

  • A Pop-up will open and it will include the following:
    • A field to insert a known Config-UID given to the end customer, by the Opel Configurator in the B2C site ( and then select "Next"
    • Th next button will:
      • reload the configuration, to a new browser tab, in the GME Configurator UI and in DSW side it will open a pop-up with the Order ID GUID, the Config-UID and a "Get Configuration" button
      • The Sales Advisor has the opportunity to make changes in the configuration and Save
    • The user can select the "Get Configuration" button and the process will be similar to the the above scenario.

After the configuration preparation within the Opel website, the user can add the ID and select the "Get Configuration" and the lead can be created with the regular create lead process.


C. Select existing Configuration (from DSW)

This method/process is not implemented yet. It is included in a later DSW version. The relevant version is 2.52. 

Edit Configuration (existing GME Configuration VOI in a lead)

As soon as a lead has been created, using any of the above two scenarios, the Sales Advisor has the possibility to Edit the Configuration of the inserted/selected VOI, make changes and re-insert it into the lead. The users can do this from the Action button "Edit Configuration", which has Business Case ID: 12008.

When selecting this action the system checks that the current VOI has Interest type the GME Configurator and a pop-up will open with the following info:

  • A field with a read-only input with the already existing Config-ID.
  • A "Reload Configuration" button which will the edited configuration from the GME Configurator.

Additionally, a new browser tab opens in the GME Configurator website with preselected the existing configuration of the selected VOI. The User can make changes, and after saving these changes in the configurator, he can come back into the DSW browser tab and select the "Load Configuration" button. 

The system will request again from the GME Configurator the latest saved configuration matching with this Config-ID and make the relevant changes in the VOI.

This action is available only as long as the VOI does not have an order in place.


Two new workflow validations have been also created, that can be added in the Offer and Order transitions. These validations will ensure that the VOI the user is about to Offer or Order is still valid based on the latest Save of the Config-ID inside the GME Configurator.

Recommended transition to add the validation:

  • On offer creation: To be sure that the configuration is still valid on the creation of every new offer
  • On order creation: To be sure that the configuration is still valid on order creation

If an erro­­­r occurs, the validation pop-up will bring information about the error. In this case the user should add a new configuration via the “Add Vehicle“ action.

Prices and Equipment

  • The prices that appear into the GME Configurator website are with 19% VAT. When DSW calls the GME Configurator through the "Get Configuration" method it receives these prices without the VAT and displays them in the Sales Process page accordingly.
  • The equipment of the vehicle can be found into the sales process page sidebar of DSW, on the section Details and tab Vehicle Options. The option are divided into to categories, standard and extra options. On the top of the list the standard options appear and by scrolling down one more section with the extra options is includes. The color is not included in this tab.

In the Agenda:

  1. Basic Price = Net Vehicle Price + Color Net Price
  2. Vehicle Options = Net Sum of Vehicle Options without the Color price
  3. Net Price = Basic Price + Vehicle Options
  4. VAT = Net Price * VAT %
  5. Total Price = Net Price + VAT

In the Offer:

The prices follow the same principal with the above section. The Offer includes only one document line which has:

  1. Price = Net Vehicle Price + Color Net Price + Net Sum of Vehicle Options
  2. Net Total Amount = Price + Any added discount
  3. Final Price = Net Total Amount + VAT (amount)

Business Benefit

With the development of this feature, the user can easily define a “Vehicle of Interest” from an external OEM Configurator. This is done by selecting and combining available configuration options (Make, Models, Colors, equipment) based on the manufacturer's standards (obligations/restrictions). 


  1. Setup Keys for the Integration:
    1. "GMEConfiguratorURL": The URL of the configurator that DSW should have integration with. This is given from the project team/customer. Currently for AVAG, the value should be:
    2. "GMEConfiguratorCountry": GME Opel Configurator country code. Currently for AVAG, the value should be: DE
    3. "OpelConfiguratorMainDealerCode": GME Opel Configurator main Dealer code. Currently for AVAG, the value should be: detest
    4. "GMEConfiguratorInquiryTypeCode": GME Opel Configurator main Dealer code. Value: GMEConfigurator
  2. Mappings preparation:
    1. Access the mappings setup page in DSW (.../Mappings/MainGridList) 
    2. Relation = OneDealer to GME Configurator
    3. Object type = Car Make - Only the Opel make should be mapped with the respective value from the GMEConfigurator. Value: opel
  3. Inquiry Interest Type:
    1. A new Inquiry Interest Type has been developed, called: Opel Configurator
      1. Code: GMEConfigurator
      2. Name: Opel Configurator
      3. OneDealer Code: GMEConfigurator
  4. Workflow:
    1. Validations: A new validation has been created, called  "Check if GME Vehicle Configuration is valid". Recommended transition to add the validation:
      1. On offer creation: To be sure that the configuration is still valid on the creation of every new offer
      2. On order creation: To be sure that the configuration is still valid on order creation
  5. Make Interest Type: A new Make Interest Type entry should be created in the relevant configuration page with:
    1. Make = Opel
    2. Interest type = Opel Configurator
  6. Workflow Selection: A new workflow selection should be created in the relevant configuration page linking the newly created Workflow with the relevant Inquiry Interest Type (Opel Configurator), the Make Opel and the Channels and Sources.

Existing Configuration:

  1. Setup Keys for the Adapter:
    1. ODExchangeAPIUrl: The URL of the Adapter. Current value in AVAG:
    2. ODExchangeAPICId: The Company Code for the Adapter. Current value in AVAG: AVAGTEST
    3. ODExchangeAPIDId: The Domain Code for the Adapter. Current value in AVAG: RCGENDEV
    4. ODExchangeAPIUnm: The Username for the Adapter login.
    5. ODExchangeAPIPwd: The Password for the Adapter login.
  2. Business Cases:
    1. The existing BC ID 12008 - Edit Configuration was enhanced to include the GME Configurator functionality when this is the interest type of the VOI.

Additional Information

Feature No.: AVGA-805

Information not included in the documentation:

  • The FDD of this feature includes also information about enhancing the ODIL (OneDealer Integration Layer). However, there is no ODIL integration with a DMS in AVAG right now.
  • The FFD of this feature includes also a 3rd scenario called "Select existing Configuration". This scenario is implemented in DSW version 2.52 and the relevant documentation is:
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