General Description of the Feature

Regarding to GDPR, an employee has to ask the customer to give a data privacy consent before starting any business process (e.g. appointment creation, lead creation, service order creation):

  • if the customer has not yet submitted a data privacy consent
  • if the existing GDPR is older than x months (e.g. 18 Months), this x months should be defined via setup-key: GDPRValidUntil

DSW is making the GDPR status visible in several pages (BP, Lead, Opportunity, Purchase Lead). While user starts a business process (e.g. appointment creation, lead creation, service order creation, purchase lead creation) the GDPR status is visible in corresponding pages.

There are 4 possible statuses of GDPR:

  • GDPR required:  All Consent's channel are set to null (consent's channel values are not set to "true" or "false") ) Note: Lead creation via "Promo page" at "My site" will create CP/BP with GDPR status: "GDPR required" - on mouse hover on this notification the message "There is no existing GDPR yet. Please ask the customer to give a GDPR consent before starting the process." will be displayed.
  • GDPR expired Any Consent's channels already set (consent's channel values are set το true or false) with creation date of the Consent's channels, greater than or equal to the months set by GDPRValidUntil) - on mouse hover on this notification the message "The current GDPR has expired. Please contact the customer in order to verify or update it." will be displayed. 
  • <blank>: Any Consent's channel already set (consent's channel values are set το true or false) with creation date of the Consent's channels, less than the months set by GDPRValidUntil Note: At the creation of CP/BP the Consent's channels are set to "false" → GDPR status <blank>
  • Error - If there is any Consent's channel already set but for some reason the "Consent's creation date" is corrupted.

Business Benefit

While the user starts a business process (e.g. appointment creation, lead creation, service order creation, purchase lead creation) the "GDPR status" will be visible and notify the user.

The following cases are covered:

  • When a customer has not submitted any GDPR data privacy channel consent then the GDPR status will be "GDPR required".
  • When the customer's existing GDPR data privacy channel consent is older than or equal to the x months (the x will be defined by the setup key GDPRValidUntil) then the GDPR status will be "GDPR expired".
  • When the customer's existing GDPR data privacy channel consent is less than to the x months (the x will be defined by the setup key GDPRValidUntil) then the GDPR status will be <blank> (no indication).
  • When the customer has provide GDPR data privacy channel consent and the Consent's channels creation date is corrupted then the GDPR status will be "Error".


Setup key: GDPRValidUntil

If GDPRValidUntil=0 the flag "GDPR required" will be deactivated

When EnableGDPROnCreation= False a new BP will be created with status GDPR required

Additional Information

Feature ticket: AVGA-33
Test Case: QA-671

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