General Description of the Feature  

When creating an "Approval State" in the Workflow the new approval type "OrderDiscountApproval" should appear in the single-selection grid list of the available approvals.

This approval type has the following characteristics:

  • Name: OrderDiscountApproval
  • Rule set to be triggered:
    • Order Discount Percentage > Setup key: OrderDiscountApprovalPercentageLimit
    • Order Discount Amount > Setup key: OrderDiscountApprovalAmountLimit
  • Users that receive the Order Discount Approval requests > Setup key: OrderDiscountApprovalManagers

Business Benefit  

The new Order Discount Approval function will check the discount percentage and/or the discount amount of the accepted offer and validate them based on a set of setup keys.

At any workflow a new "Approval State" of type "OrderDiscountApproval" can be configured. This approval state will have the following logic:

  • automatic approval from the system
  • manual approval by one or many Discount Approval Managers. 

This new feature can help the sales advisors & the dealership control the discount they offer to their clients during the order process.


New Approval state: OrderDiscountApproval

The three following Setup keys should be created, that will manage the new approval type:

Setup Key

Entity Value



User IDs (Comma separated)

Add the User IDs of the users that should be responsible for approving or not the Order Approval.


Max Discount Amount

Add the maximum limit of the discount amount for automatic approval, if the order discount is less than this amount.


Max Discount Percentage

Add the maximum limit of the discount percentage for automatic approval, if the order discount is less than this percentage.


Additional Information  


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