


Feature No.

ODP-6880 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

QA-4770 - Getting issue details... STATUS

General Description of the Feature

In the inquiry page user can perform multiple actions that will change the status of the Inquiry, for example:

  • Create Lead
  • Disqualify
  • Qualify Contact

When two users of the system (user A and user B) open in their browsers the same inquiry that is in status "Generated" and User A proceeds on contact qualification so the Inquiry is now in status "Person Qualified"

and then User A proceeds to lead creation so the Inquiry is now on status "Processed"

Later on Used B decides to handle the same inquiry from his browser window which has not refreshed and still show the Inquiry as "Generated"

When User B tries to proceed with the contact qualification flow of the same Inquiry and receives an error that "Contact is already qualified" and the page would refresh. That way he would see the proper status of the inquiry and will be able to proceed with the appropriate step

Business Benefit

Server side validations were created for "parallel" inquiry processing that will not allow the user to perform any action if this comes into conflict with the status that the Inquiry currently has. 



Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  ODP-6880 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  QA-4770 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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