


Feature No.

PROCAR-66 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

PROCAR-192 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features


Main Version


Patched Versions

Conf. for Technical Upgrade


General Description of the Feature

 Quality Star system (RSP 5 stars)

The Star Quality functionality is a rating system for business partners based on the completeness of data in various categories. Business Partners are assigned a rating 1 to 5 stars, depending on the availability and quality of data in the following areas:

  • Address Data: Completeness and accuracy of customer address information.
  • Email and Phone: Presence of up-to-date email and phone contact details.
  • GDPR Compliance: Adherence to General Data Protection Regulation standards.
  • Vehicle Ownership: Accuracy and completeness of vehicle ownership data.
  • Orientation: Level of completion and accuracy of customer profile orientation.

The whole functionality has been developed under a new module. The new module is called “RSP” and needs to be set in the current tenant:

Quality stars in Business Partner Page

In Business Partner Edit page, a new section has been added and is displayed only if RSP module is active on current tenant. The new section is placed in the SubHeader of the page, on the right after the GDPR information:

Hovering each star will display a tooltip with the title information.

Business requirements for stars

There are business requirements that apply to a business partner so the system can decide whether to hand or remove a star from a bp.

  • Address Data (Star 1)
    In order for a business partner to get the Address Data star, there must be at least one address registered for the bp of type BillTo or ShipTo. If there is no address, the star is removed.

  • EmailPhone (Star 2)
    The EmailPhone star for a business partner is earned when both of the following conditions are met:
    • EmailAddress field is not empy or, if empty, the EmailEmptyReason field has been filled.
    • One of Phone1, Phone2 or Cellular fields has been filled.

If one of the above conditions is not met, the star is removed.

  • GDPR (Star 3)

The GDPR star is earned when the business partner has a signed GDPR statement. If not, the star is removed.

  • Vehicle Ownership (Star 4)
    The Vehicle Ownership star is assigned when a business partner meets one of the following conditions:
    • Has at least one vehicle
    • DoesNotOwnVehicle flag has been set to true.

The Vehicle Ownership star is removed only when the business partner has no vehicles under its ownership.

  • Orientation Phase (Star 5)

The Orientation Phase star will be assigned to a business partner when:

  • The BP does not have a Repurchase Date.
  • If the BP has a Repurchase Date, but the current period {OrientationPeriodInMonths} is before the Repurchase Date.
  • If the current period {OrientationPeriodInMonths} is before the Repurchase Date but the BP has an open Lead or Opportunity.

The above calculation will be performed on a daily basis for all Business Partners by a OneFire job which triggers a stored procedure in the database.

Business Benefit 

BMW has defined and implemented a rating system to rate the quality of customer data  so the sales persons know for which BPs actions are necessary to improve the data quality.


Setup Keys


Additional Information

Resource Key



Does not own vehicle


Business Partner updated


Orientation Period In Months


Address Data


Email Phone




Vehicle Ownership


Orientation Phase

New fields in OCRD:









OneFire Jobs

For the Orientation phase star calculation, a new OneFire Job has to be set in order to trigger the stored procedure execution.

Cron: 0 2 * * * (once every day at 2:00 AM)

Method: GET

Url: {baseUr}/BusinessPartner/TriggerBpOrientationCalculation

Package module

New package RSPStarSystem.

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