


Feature No.

AHGROUP-260 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

AHGROUP-265 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features3.12.4 - AutoHellas: Missing Important Fields in vehicle Creation via vehicle delivery
Main Version3.15.1
Patched Versions3.12.25
Conf. for Technical UpgradeNo

General Description of the Feature

In the Vehicle Delivery process and the case where the VOI doesn't have a Vehicle ID (is not an Inventory Vehicle), the creation of the Vehicle is triggered through the external function "AH_CompleteVehicleDelivery" and the Vehicle ID created is updated with a selection of fields as mentioned in the related feature.

With the current developed functionality, two more fields where added in the list of fields that get updated.

In the Vehicle card page of the created vehicle, tab "Details → section "Main Information" → fields: "Branch" & "Location" get updated with values based on the branch and location the active Order Document has.

Business Benefit

The Vehicle entity created from the Vehicle Delivery process is updated in more detail with extra fields following the feature 3.12.4 - AutoHellas: Missing Important Fields in vehicle Creation via vehicle delivery



Additional Information


The custom external function "AH_CompleteVehicleDelivery" is required to trigger the Vehicle creation and thus the update of the fields mentioned in this feature.

Feature Availability

This feature is mainly developed for version 3.15.0 but it is also patched in: 

  • 3.12.25

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