General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with the development and integration between DSW/DASW and DocuSign.

DocuSign is a web application that allows organizations to manage electronic agreements. As part of the DocuSign Agreement Cloud, DocuSign offers eSignature, a way to sign electronically on different devices.

In DSW, DocuSign has been integrated in 2 different ways. The GDPR generated documents and is triggered via the relevant button and the Workflow generated documents that are triggered via the relevant Workflow transitions.

For both of the above mentioned integrations, a DocuSign account is required and a set of configuration points to (a) establish the connection between the two systems, (b) prepare the workflows to be able to pass through an approval process for every Document that needs to be signed.

GDPR document - DocuSign

Sign Data Privacy

After connection between DSW and DocuSign is established, then the users can prompt each customer to sign their GDPR document via DocuSign. To do so, they have to use "Sign GDPR with DocuSign" button located inside the Data Privacy Action button of the Business Partner.

Selecting this action, the user will be presented with the regular GDPR form, which can be filled as normal and then select the "Sign with DocuSign" button. A smart GDPR document template, designed, prepared and configured as usual is required and the user must select it before selecting the "Sign with DocuSign" button.

After saving the form, the user is informed that the request has been send successfully.

At this point DocuSign, is taking over the rest of the process. An email will be sent to the email account of the Business Partner from DocuSign (email design is controlled from DocuSign and not from OneDealer) which will include a redirecting URL. The customer will be transferred to a DocuSign website, where the GDPR document is presented to him with the made selections, printed in pdf format, along with a set of tools for signing. The customer can use any of the given tools to Sign digitally the document and finish the process.


The finish button is available only after the customer has signed the document by using at least one or more of the given tools. 


After finishing the process, DocuSign will perform two actions,

  1. Send a copy of the signed document to the email of the Business Partner (email design is controlled from DocuSign and not from OneDealer).
  2. Inform DSW via the integration, that the customer has signed and provide a copy of the signed document in pdf format.

The Data Privacy consent channels will not be updated until the customer has signed and DSW is informed about it form DocuSign. As soon as DocuSign informs DSW back,

  1. the user (Sales Person) will receive a bell notification that the customer has signed,
  2. the data privacy icons will be updated,
  3. the copy of the Data Privacy document will be included both in the related tab and in the Data Privacy tab,
  4. the data privacy tab will be update will the new selections,
  5. the Data Privacy Log (history log) will be updated.

Cancel Data Privacy

In the cases where the user must send a new updated GDPR document to the customer before the customer has signed the previous version of the document, for example in case of a mistake, then the system can recognize that a new request has been send before the old one has finished and it is taking the following actions:

  1. DSW informs DocuSign that a new request has been send and the old one needs to be cancelled,
  2. DocuSign cancels the digital envelop with the old GDPR request
  3. DocuSign sends a new email to the customer informing them that the previous Document is cancelled.
  4. DocuSign sends a new email to the customer with the new GDPR Document

Reject Data Privacy

In the cases where the customer disagrees with the Data Privacy consent send to him/her and want to reject it, DocuSign provides an action for this as well. After the customer received the GDPR email from DocuSign and opens the document (redirection link), instead of signing and saving the process, the customer can select to reject the sign request.

The action is placed on the top right corner inside "Other Actions". After rejecting the request, DSW and thus the user is informed via a bell notification.

Workflow documents - DocuSign

The Workflow related documents that can be signed via DocuSign are the following:

ModuleDocument Type
Retail Sales moduleSigned Order document
Retail Sales moduleSigned Vehicle Delivery document
Retail Sales moduleSigned Test Drive Contract document
Purchase moduleVehicle Purchase Signed Order document
Purchase moduleVehicle Purchase Signed Handover document
Purchase moduleSigned Damage Report
Wholesales moduleSigned Wholesale Order
DASW JCSigned DASW Order document

In order for this integration to work the following process should be configured for each document in the given Workflow of the related module.

  1. A transition that initiates the process, creates the digital envelop with the document and sends it DocuSign. This transition should lead to an Approval state, where the workflow will be frozen until all parties have signed and DocuSign has informed OneDealer back about it.
  2. An approval that includes 3 transitions (currently creating 3 transitions in an Approval state, via the Workflow designer is not possible and the 3rd transition is not mandatory)
    1. Approved: This transition will be selected automatically via the process, if and when all parties have signed successfully the given document
    2. Disapproved: This transition will be selected automatically via the process, if at least one of the two parties selects "Decline to Sign".
    3. Cancel the process: This is a manual transition that is placed into the Approval state for safety reasons. It should be used by the users only if the process has stuck and for whatever reason DocuSign was not able to close the process automatically.

When a document is selected to be signed via DocuSign, by following the respective transition in the Workflow,

  1. Both the user (Sales Person) and the customer (Business Partner) will receive an email with the copy of the document. Each of them can sign the document and when both parties have signed the process can move on. The emails are send to
    1. the Business Partner email account,
    2. the Users email account configured in their user profile page.
  2. The document is located in the cloud so, when one of the two parties opens it will always be able to see the latest state. If the customer opens it after the user has signed, then the signature will be included in the document.

After both parties have signed the document,

  1. DocuSign will close the digital envelope and inform DSW
  2. Both parties will receive a new email with a copy of the fully signed document 
  3. The Workflow Approval will be triggered to the Approved transition automatically
  4. A copy of the document will be attached in the related tab of the respective entity.

When cancelling the process via the manual transition, the envelope is completely cancelled and the WF is unfrozen, so that the user can either re-run the process or close the entity.

Below a Workflow configuration example for a case with all 3 transition into the approval and a case with only the 2 automatic:

Signed Order Document with 3 transitions Signed Test Drive Contract with 2 transitions 

Diagram of how the workflow should be configured for each document (of the available) that needs to pass from DocuSign:

DSW Version and Integration

This feature is original developed for version 2.58, however it is fully functional with corrections included, from 2.62 and after.


The aftersales DASW process is excluded from the DocuSign integration due to differences on the DASW Document creation process. A detailed explanation about this exclusion can be found here:  QA-2745 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

Business Benefit

Provide the possibility to our customers to use the integration with DocuSign and provide to their customers a safe a web solution for signing documents.


Business Cases:

  • Business case ID: 12306
  • Name: Sign GDPR with DocuSign

Setup Keys:

Setup Keys mandatory for the DocuSign Integration:

Entity Key

Entity Module

Entity Value




RSA [Keypair ID] from the DocuSign administration platform




[API Account ID] from the DocuSign administration platform




[User ID] from the DocuSign administration platform


















[Integration Key] from the DocuSign administration platform


External Functions

Retail Sales module


External Function

For initialization of DocuSign process:
For Signed Order document:Init DocuSign For Signed Order
For Signed Vehicle Delivery document:Init DocuSign for signed vehicle delivery
For Signed Test Drive Contract document:InitDocuSignForTestDriveContract
For creation of signed document with DocuSign:
For Signed Order document:CreateSignedDocumentWithDocuSignForSignedOrder
For Signed Vehicle Delivery document:CreateSignedDocumentWithDocuSignForSignedVehicleDelivery
For Signed Test Drive Contract document:CreateSignedDocumentWithDocuSignForSignedTestDriveContract
For canceling of the DocuSign Process:
For Signed Order document:CancelSigningForSignedOrder
For Signed Vehicle Delivery document:CancelSigningForSignedVehicleDelivery
For Signed Test Drive Contract document:CancelSigningForSignedTestDriveContract
For canceling the DocuSign process and deleting the DocuSign Envelope:
For Signed Order document:CancelSigningProcessAndCancelEnvelopeForSignedOrder
For Signed Vehicle Delivery document:CancelSigningProcessAndCancelEnvelopeForSignedVehicleDelivery
For Signed Test Drive Contract document:CancelSigningProcessAndCancelEnvelopeForSignedTestDriveContract

Purchase module


External Function

For initialization of DocuSign process:
For Vehicle Purchase Signed Order document:InitDocuSignForVehiclePurchaseSignedOrder
For Vehicle Purchase Signed Handover document:InitDocuSignForVehiclePurchaseSignedHandover
For Signed Damage Report:InitDocuSignForSignedDamageReport
For creation of signed document with DocuSign:
For Vehicle Purchase Signed Order document:CreateSignedDocumentWithDocuSignForVehiclePurchaseSignedOrder
For Vehicle Purchase Signed Handover document:CreateSignedDocumentWithDocuSignForVehiclePurchaseSignedHandover
For Signed Damage Report:CreateSignedDocumentWithDocuSignForSignedDamageReport
For canceling of the DocuSign Process:
For Vehicle Purchase Signed Order document:CancelSigningForVehiclePurchaseSignedOrder
For Vehicle Purchase Signed Handover document:CancelSigningForVehiclePurchaseSignedHandover
For Signed Damage Report:CancelSigningForSignedDamageReport
For canceling the DocuSign process and deleting the DocuSign Envelope:
For Vehicle Purchase Signed Order document:CancelSigningProcessAndCancelEnvelopeForVehiclePurchaseSignedOrder
For Vehicle Purchase Signed Handover document:CancelSigningProcessAndCancelEnvelopeForVehiclePurchaseSignedHandover
For Signed Damage Report:CancelSigningProcessAndCancelEnvelopeForSignedDamageReport

Wholesales module


External Function

For initialization of DocuSign process:
For signed Wholesale Order:InitDocuSignForWholesaleOrder
For creation of signed document with DocuSign:
For signed Wholesale Order:CreateSignedDocumentWithDocuSignForWholesaleSignedOrder
For canceling of the DocuSign Process:
For signed Wholesale Order:CancelSigningForWholesaleOrder
For canceling the DocuSign process and deleting the DocuSign Envelope:
For signed Wholesale Order:CancelSigningProcessAndCancelEnvelopeForWholesaleOrder

Aftersales DASW module


External Function

For initialization of DocuSign process:
For Signed DASW Order document:InitDocuSignForSignedJobCardOrder
For creation of signed document with DocuSign:
For Signed DASW Order document:CreateSignedDocumentWithDocuSignForSignedJobCardOrder
For canceling of the DocuSign Process:
For Signed DASW Order document:CancelSigningForSignedJobCardOrder
For canceling the DocuSign process and deleting the DocuSign Envelope:
For Signed DASW Order document:CancelSigningProcessAndCancelEnvelopeForSignedJobCardOrder

Approval Types

Four Workflow Approval Types, one per Module, are created for every document that should pass from DocuSign. Each approval State should have the two regular Approve/Disapprove transition and an extra manual one “Cancel Signing Process”.

  • Retail Sales:
    • Approval Type: VOIItem DocuSign Document Approval
  • Purchase:
    • Approval Type: Vehicle Purchase DocuSign Document Approval
  • Wholesales:
    • Approval Type: WholesaleLead DocuSign Document Approval
  • DASW - Aftersales: 
    • Approval Type: JobCard DocuSign Document Approval

Configuration info

For setting up a DocuSign account for an OneDealer environment, contact the IT Team. They will prepare the account in the DocuSign administration panel and provide you info for the relevant setup keys.

In case DocuSign must be used in a production environment, a business account must be purchased.

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  ODP-877 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  QA-613 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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