General Description of the Feature

There is a new form added in the BP Page, under the tab Owned Vehicles, where the user can add information about the current car fleet of the business partner. The information is saved and visible in a separate section under this tab. 

Screenshot 1 

The user can select the + button and to fill-in the information required in the form. The Make and the Number of units are mandatory. The vehicle type is an option text field. 

Screenshot 2 

The list with the car fleet information is available under the tab Owned Vehicles in the Business Partner card. 

Business Benefit 

This information is important for the sales advisor that handles a wholesales lead with prospect customers that are interested in adding cars in their fleet or replacing their fleet. 


Setup Key: BusinessPartnerCarFleetVisible

Additional Information 

Feature no: ODP-3231

Test Case: ODP-3697

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