General Description of the Feature

This feature introduced one major enhancements in the OneDealer DSW & DASW applications, the multicurrency operation per Company. 

In the Company level it is possible to select the default/main currency of the Company and at the same time setup a list of available alternative currencies and their exchange rates. Each Business Partner can have as currency the default or one of the alternative currencies. In this case, if their is also an exchange rate configured for this alternative currency, the user can switch between the two currencies during the offer creation and be able to see the change in the amount calculation.

Company Administration

In the existing Company administration page the following enhancement is implemented:

  1. The Currency field is a drop-down field which fetches data from the relevant currency table OCRN, excluding the inactive ones. (the relevant administration page in DSW called "Currencies").
  2. In case there are transactional data made for this company then the field is read-only, the default company currency can not change and an informational message appears above the field. The above functionality will safeguard that a company cannot change its default currency if there are already created transactions.
    Message: "Only editable if there are no Leads and Documents in this Company."


New Administration pages

Currencies (~/administration/currencies)

  • In this administration page, admin users can create/update Currencies
  • The currencies created here will be available for selection for the whole installation.
  • The creation form includes the following:
    • Currency: Searchable Dropdown that will fetch the ISO currency codes in order to make sure that the user does not input wrong data. A Currency helper from Microsoft was used here to get that official data.
    • Rounding Digits: Numeric control
    • Is Active: determines if the current currency will be active and available for use/selection.

Each currency row will have an Edit action that will allow the user to change the following:

  • Active/Inactive: switch control
  • Decimals: numeric control

To safeguard possible created transactional data with an existing currency, deleting a currency value is not possible. The values can only be deactivated.


Exchange Rates (~/administration/exchangerates)

  • In this administration page, admin users can create/update Exchange Rates for the already created currencies.
  • The exchange rates created here will be used in the prices/amounts calculation within the offer, based on their effective date.
  • The "Add Exchange Rate" form includes the following fields:
    • Currency Code: Entity source dropdown from OCRN with all the active currencies. This will correspond to the Currency “To” Code since the Currency “From” Code is already selected from the Company’s default currency
    • Effective Start Date: Date Picker
    • Effective End Date: Date Picker
    • Rate: Numeric Box

On the creation/edit of each exchange rate the following validations are performed:

  • The Effective End Date is greater than Effective Start Date
  • Check if the user has selected a Date Span that is already covered from the existing data.
    i.e.: If the user selects Effective Start Date: 20/09/2021 and Effective End Date: 30/09/2021 and in the database exists an entry with Effective Start Date 15/09/2021 and Effective End Date: 22/09/2021. The user is informed that there is an overlap with existing data.
  • Check if there is an entry in the database with only Effective Start Date (this is used to cover cases that you want to define an exchange rate from a certain date without ending) then when a user stores a new exchange rate with a greater Effective Start Date, the system updates this first Exchange Rate by entering as Effective End Date the new Exchange Rate Effective Start Date minus 1 day.
    • i.e.: Database has an Exchange Rate [1] with:
      • Effective Start Date = 1/09/2021
      • And Effective End Date = null
    • The user stores a new Exchange Rate [2] with:
      • Effective Start Date = 15/09/2021
    • The system updates the Exchange Rate [1] and set the Effective End Date to 14/09/2021
  • Similarly, if the new entry has only Effective Start Date, check if there is a future entry, and if there is, set the end date of the new entry as existing Effective Start Date minus 1 day.

Each exchange rate row will have a Delete and an Edit action that will allow the user to change only the Decimals. 

Business Partner

  • In the Business Partner Card page, the user is able to select a currency for this BP. 
  • The Currency field is no more a read-only field. The field changed to be a drop down and fetches all the active currencies from the relevant table.
  • This dropdown has as preselected value the Company currency.
  • On the Private Business Partner creation form, there is not currency field. So, the Business Partner who is created behind the scenes, has preselected value the Company currency.

Transactional Data (Retail Sales Lead, Wholesales Lead, Purchase Lead, Job Card)

On the creation of any transactional data, the system is validating if the selected Business Partner has a currency that is marked as Inactive. In that case, an informational warning message is displayed in the UI prompting the user to check the Business Partner data. 

Users can not create new transactional data with BPs that have assigned on them inactive currency.

Offer page and Document Preview forms

In the Sales Offer Sheet, there is already a switch currency functionality. Before the current implementation this was working with one alternative currency defined in the setup. This logic is enhanced in a way that the “alternative” currency can also be the one assigned on the connected Business Partner.

  • If in the environment an “AlternativeCurrencyCode” is defined in the setup, then this will be used.
  • Else the switch, within the Offer, will be presented only when the related Business Partner has a different currency code than the Company currency code.

In the same way the Document preview forms are affected. Examples of such screens are the “Accept Offer” transition required view or the “Select Previous Offer” action in the sales offer sheet.


The Document printing has been enhanced with a series of new parameters that fetch the alternative currency for each amount/price that it is exposed in the printing model. So, for each amount parameter existed for all the entities, one more new parameter is created representing the alternative currency.

Business Benefit

his feature will provide to the product a more complete solution on how to handle multiple currencies and exchange rates into one environment and company. The Sales Advisor will be able to add different currency on customers from the global currency that the whole company is working with and also be able to see in real time how the exchange rate of this currency is affecting the Offer.


Business Cases:

  • 12277 - Currencies Setup Page
  • 12278 - Exchange Rates Setup Page 

New Administration and Process pages:

  • Currencies administration page: ~/administration/currencies
  • Exchange Rates administration page: ~/administration/exchangerates

Setup Keys:

  • AlternativeCurrencyCode: Pre-existing setup key that holds the code of an alternative currency.
    • If it exists the system will present this as alternative currency in the Offer sheet.
    • If it doesn't exist the system will present alternative currency in the Offer sheet only if the BP.Currency != Company.Currency
  • AlternativeCurrencySymbol: Pre-existing setup key that from now on is obsolete.
  • InternalPrintDecimalFormat InternalPrintDecimalCulture: Pre-existing setup keys responsible for the Decimal Format and the Decimal Culture type of the price amounts in the printing.
  • UseLegacyExchangeRate: New setup key that defines if the system will use the legacy table ORTT or use the new implementation @IDMS_ExchangeRate.



  • Check If BP Has Active Currency: A new validation that can be used in any Workflow and any workflow transition. The validation returns error message if the the related BP has assigned an inactive currency.


The new parameters can be found in the following link, and they include the characteristic word "Alt" into the parameter name:  Workflow Document Template

Additional Information

Feature No.:  HA-21 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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