2.38-2.a General Description of the Feature 

Two new parameters the “LightHouseInquiryBaseUrl” and the “InquiryCodeMD5” have been developed and added as a parameter in the “Inquiry Link” of the smart notification template within the OD Email Notifications EUW Server in order to be able to use smart email notification template for the inquiry.

The user creating an email template can use the two parameters above and compose the entire inquiry link for every environment and with any My Account URL.


2.38-2.b Business Benefit 

It is important to have consistency in the technology used for emails.


2.38-2.c Configuration 

  • Within the Mail Template "QAInquiry / Thank you for your interest!" insert in the "Inquiry Link" as hyperlink the parameters: {Lead.LightHouseInquiryBaseUrl}{Lead.InquiryCodeMD5}

  • For the email templates to work and be able to be send during a business process, they must be linked with each respective workflow and the specific transition.
  • Open the OneDealer environment of the project and find the Email Notification List by using this URL: /Workflow/SmartNotifications.
  • Setup the Smart Notification Email "Smart - QA_Inquiry" by selecting:
    • Master Template / Content Template: Select the correct selection of Master and Mail templates. (Make sure the same language templates are selected)
    • Offset Type: Select what you will consider as starting point for your email to be planned and send
    • Offset in Minutes: Add the offset time in minutes (i.e.: If you select Now in Offset Type and add 60 in Offset in Minutes, the email will be sent 60 Minutes after you save the linked (related) activity)
    • Enable the respective switch of what kind of notification this is, i.e. Email or Email and WhatsApp
    • Select if it should always follow GDPR rules.
    • Press the Save button to save your configuration..

  • Link the Notification with the Workflow

2.38-2.d Additional Information 

             Feature Number: DEMO-1190

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