Use these functionalities when you want the Test Drive scenario to create only 1 activity, that spans for the whole duration of the Test Drive.

The usual case for this is that the Sales Person accompanies the Customer inside the Test Drive vehicle.

Transition View



Presents a timeline calendar page with:

  1. Filters concerning the presented vehicles
  2. One row which represents the availability of the sales person
  3. One row for each vehicle that represents its availability based on the reservations table
  4. Save button to confirm the desired vehicle and date/time of the test drive


External Function


Create Test Drive Reservation without notification

  • Create a reservation for the selected vehicle and date/time
  • The Transition View above
Technical Notes
  • Create a reservation (and reservation details) for the selected test drive vehicle on the selected date and time
  • Update the latest open activity (Test drive activity) set U_IDMS_RelVehicle with the reservation code

Transition View


External Function


Cancel Test Drive Reservation

  • Get the related reservation code from the latest closed activity (U_IDMS_RelVehicle)
  • Delete the reservation (and reservation details)
  • Must be executed exactly on the next step of the Test Drive creation in order for the U_IDMS_RelVehicle to contain the reservation code

Use these functionalities when you want the Test Drive scenario to create 2 activities:

  1. An activity for the Sales Person to deliver the Test Drive vehicle to the customer
  2. An activity to pick-up the vehicle once the Test Drive is concluded

In this scenario, the vehicle will display as 'reserved for test drive' for the whole span of the duration while the Sales Person will only have 2 slots occupied: 1 before the TestDrive begins and 1 afterwards.

Transition View


Presents a timeline calendar page with

  1. Filters concerning the presented vehicles
  2. One row which represents the availability of the sales person
  3. One row for each vehicle that represents its availability based on the reservations table
  4. Save button to confirm the desired vehicle and date/time of the test drive


External Function

Description - Techincal Notes
  • Get the latest open activity (Test Drive activity)
  • Create a reservation (and reservation details) based on the following data
    1. Selected vehicle (from UI)
    2. Selected Date and Time (from UI)
    3. Selected location (from the created activity (default workflow location drop down))
  • Create the second test drive activity (this is actually the Date and Time when the customer is going to bring the Test Drive vehicle back to us)
    • This activity ends on the end of the Test Drive and starts a fixed amount of minutes before that (based on setup key: TestDriveSecondActDuration
  • Update the first test drive activity (this is the Date and Time when the customer is going to get the Test Drive vehicle from us) so that it ends a fixed
    amount of minutes after the selected Start Time, based on the setup key: TestDriveFirstActivityDuration
  • Update the latest open activity (Test drive activity) set U_IDMS_RelVehicle with the reservation code
  • The Transition View above

Transition View


Presents a popup where the user is prompted to fill the following information:

  1. Drivers License Number
  2. License Date


External Function (This functionality should be split in two external functions. One for the drivers data and one for the second test drive activity handling

  1. Create or Update the contact employee custom fields with the following information
    1. U_IDMS_StrProperty1 = Drivers License Number
    2. U_IDMS_DateProperty1 = License Date
  2. Get the test drive second activity that we created on the previous step
  3. Get the latest open activity of the workflow
  4. Copy the data  from activity (2) on the activity (3)
  5. Delete the second test drive activity (2) 
  • The Transition View above
  • Must be executed exactly on the next step after the creation of the test drive

Transition View


External Function

  • Technical Note: 
    • Gets latest open activity (Test Drive activity)
    • Based on the U_IDMS_RelVehicle field find the reservation code
  • Deletes the reservation (and reservation details)
  • Deletes the second test drive activity that was created above
  • Must be executed exactly on the next step after the creation of the test drive

Transition View


Presents a popup in SalesProcessPage with

  1. License number: The test drive customer's license number. Required.
  2. License date: The date of the test drive customer's license. Required.
  3. Identity Card Number: The ID number of the test drive customer.
  4. License Plate: The temporary plate of the Test Drive vehicle. This data is not persistent and will not be stored in the vehicle after the Test Drive.
  5. Fuel Level: The fuel level the Test Drive vehicle is given with. The dropdown is being populated by OptionField(TestDrive, FuelLevel ). This data is not persistent and will not be stored in the vehicle after being printed in the Test Drive Contract.
  6. Tyres: The type of the Vehicle tyres provided for the Test Drive.The dropdown is being populated by OptionField(TestDrive, Tyres ). This data is not persistent and will not be stored in the vehicle after being printed in the Test Drive Contract.
  7. Agreed Kilometers: The amount of KMs the customer can drive the Test Drive Vehicle. This data is not persistent and will not be stored in the vehicle after being printed in the Test Drive Contract.
  8. Note: Any note to be printed on the Test Drive Contract. This data is not persistent and will not be stored in the vehicle after being printed in the Test Drive Contract.

If the License number/date and Identity Card Number already exist in the Contact Person, the inputs will be pre-filled.



External Function

DescriptionTG Test Drive Customer Data
  • The Transition View above
Technical Notes
  • Adds or updates One.Dealer.Model.Entities.ContactEmployee's custom fields
  • Updates the One.Dealer.Model.Entities.ContactEmployee.U_IDMS_IdNo
DescriptionCreate Test Drive Contract Document
  • The Transition View above
Technical Notes
  • Creates a Test Drive Contract Document with the data provided in the popup and from reservation

Option Fields

EntityFieldDefault Values

Transition View

Code09nlmDtmy0Cab6oTm2vlSg - SignedTestDriveContractDocumentRequiredView

If the user desides to sign the Test drive Contract, the activity presents two buttons

  1. Upload Signed Document: is used to upload a document that is already signed
  2. Digitally Sign: is used to open up the Test Drive Contract and Digitally sign it (Customer and Employee)


External Function

DescriptionCreate Signed Test Drive Contract
  • The Transition View above
Technical Notes
  • Send the test drive contract and the signatures provided to a Print Provider to later fetch the printed Signed Test Drive Contract and store it in Related Tab

If the user desided to not sign (cancel) the Test Drive Contract, the workflow returns to the Proceed Test drive activity

External Function

DescriptionCancel Latest Test Drive Contract
Technical Notes
  • Sets the status of the latest non-cancelled Test Drive Contract to cancelled

Transition View


Presents a popup in SalesProcessPage when choosing Test Drive completed with

  1. Demo drive vehicle received without damages
  2. General Notes
  3. User Name
  4. Mileage Before Test Drive: The odometer value currently stored for the Test Drive vehicle
  5. Mileage After Test drive: The new odometer value

If the data already exists in the Contact Person, the inputs will be pre-filled.



External Function

DescriptionSend Damage Report To User
  • The Transition View above
Technical Notes
  • Updates the Vehicle Mileage if the After value is greater or the same as the Before
  • Sends damage report to the chosen user
  • No labels
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