OneDealer XML Pages is an easy way of creating pages in OneDealer. XML Pages supports the majority of the features of OneDealer Pages and speeds up the development process.

At the moment there are two (2) types of OneDealer XML Pages, Grid List and Tab pages and both types have some common features regarding the User Interface (UI) and Operation.

User Interface Configuration

Regarding the UI an OneDealer XML Page is categorized in four (4) sections

Header Section

Header section is the section of the page that are displayed the main info related to the content of the page, such as:

  • Title
  • Icon

Actions Section

In this section the developer can provide a way to the user to perform a user interaction with the system, for example to open a page and save new entity or to open a pop up dialog displaying data, etc.

There are two (2) types of actions, Page Actions and Sub Header Page Actions.

Page Actions are displayed directly in the page, are easy for the user to locate and access them and usually they are added for actions that need to performed frequently. We use them mainly for actions that are being performed often.

Sub Header Page Actions are being displayed as dropdown menu and each item is available for a user action. There are similar to Page Actions and the main difference is the way that are being displayed.

Content section

Content section is the section that the actual content is displayed and it can be a grid list or a tab page.

Footer Section

In this section , if it is required by the requirements, the developer can add buttons in order to perform an action related to the displayed content and usually are being used in Tab pages as a save button.

Grid List Page

Tab Page

OneDealer XML Pages definition

Below we will try to show how each section and feature is supported in OneDealer's XML Pages


Page has only one attribute, type, which can be the following two (2):

Page TypeValue
Grid ListOne.Core.UI.MVC.Pages.XmlPages.XmlGridListBasePage, One.Core.UI.MVC
TabOne.Core.UI.MVC.Pages.XmlPages.XmlOneDealerTabPage, One.Core.UI.MVC
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- type: Select Page Type Grid List or Tab Page Type -->
<Page type="One.Core.UI.MVC.Pages.XmlPages.XmlGridListBasePage, One.Core.UI.MVC">
	<!-- Common Section - Title / Header / Footer -->	
	<!-- OneDealer Page section - Icon -->
	<!-- One of following Elements - Grid List or Tab Page -->
	<!-- OR -->

Common Section

In Common element we define the following

ElementValue Type
Javascript BundlesElement

Javascript Bundles

There are some cases that the developer needs to add a custom client behavior ( e.g. a custom button action ) and this is supported by adding a javascript bundle.

Style Bundles

Some as Javascript Bundles , but for stylesheet.

Common Section
    <!--Base Page Title -->
    <Title>Test Title</Title>
	<!-- Header Element -->
		<!-- Enable/Disable the back action inside of OneDealer -->
		<!-- Allow access to main menu -->
		<!-- Show/Hide the search field in the header bar -->
	<!--Page Footer -->
		<!-- Show / Hide the footer bar -->
		<!-- Footer Button -->
        	  	<PageAction type="One.Core.UI.MVC.Pages.PageAction, OneCore.UI">

OneDealer Page Section

In OneDealerPage section we define the following:

ElementValue Type
OneDealerPage Section
	<!-- Icon to be displayed in the header section-->
	<!-- Action Section on the top right of the page - Page Actions / Sub Header Page Actions -->
		<!-- Sub Header Page Action - As Dropdown menu -->
			<!-- Dropdown Item -->
				<!-- Icon to display -->
				<!-- URL to call -->
				<!-- if it will open as pop up form -->
				<!-- Title / text to display -->
          		<Title>Create New</Title>
		<!-- Page Action -->
				<!-- Icon to display -->
				<!-- URL to call -->
				<!-- if it will open as pop up form -->
				<!-- Title / text to display -->
          		<Title>Create New</Title>

Page Actions

Page Actions are one of most common used elements in OneDealer, whether as user action from the Page Action Section, as a user action in specific row in the grid list or an action from a tab form page.

Page Action Response

Please note that every response from a Page Action, if the action is ajax request, should have the following two properties:

  • AjaxResultType
  • Model

You can read more regarding this in the OneDealer XML Pages - Incadea Reference

Below we will try to describe the elements that are part of Page Actions and later we will describe in depth how to use them.

ElementDescriptionRequiredValue Type
TitleThe text to display
ResourceKeyThe resource key for the translation
CssClassThe icon to display with the text
CssStyleCustom Style if needed
IsVisibleIf it will be displayed or not
UrlThe url to call
IsAjaxif it is an ajax call
IsFullPageAjaxif it calls a full ajax page
CallBackActiona javascript function to call
CallBackActionParamsthe parameters to pass during call
HeaderValuesIf it is a Full Ajax Page, pass header parameters
for ajax call

ManagerPageCallbackDeclare an interface and method to be called on ther server
UIIdA Unique Id for the action
ParentIdFor grouped menus with child items, declare the parentId
OnBeforeAjaxCallbacka javascript function to call before ajax call, such as get form data
IsPopupPageActionIf the result will be displayed in a pop up form
IsGridListIf the result is a grid list
IsDisabledif the item is disabled
WarningMessageWarning message to display before the execution
WarningMessageResourceKeyThe Key translation of the warning message
CloseAjaxPageCallbacka javascript function to call after the execution, such close dialog, or refresh page
ElementDescriptionvalue type
KeyThe header item nameobject
ValueThe header item valueobject

This element is declared when we need to perform an action to the server, for example if we want to save the data from a form.

ElementDescriptionValue Type
Interfaceinterface declared as full qualified assemblystring
MethodMethod name of the interfacestring
Page Action Examples
  1. Grid List row Edit Page Action to another page

    Grid List row Edit Page Action to another page
    	<!-- Columns -->
    	<!-- Action Column -->
    		<Column type="One.Core.UI.MVC.Pages.GridList.GridListPageActionsColumn, One.Core.UI.MVC">
    					<!-- Parameters -->
    						<!-- Parameter 1 -->
    							<!-- In DataKey we declare the server parameter name -->
    							<!-- In DataValue we declare the server parameter value
    							     In this example the server parameter value is a static value of the page id we want to open -->
    						<!-- Parameter 2 -->
    							<!-- Instead of DataValue, we can user MapperDataProvider, 
    								which takes the actual value from the declare property model -->
    								<!-- Property Model name -->
    								<!-- The actual value-->
  2. Grid List row Edit Page Action to pop up

Grid List row Edit Page Action to pop up
	<!-- Columns -->
	<!-- Action Column -->
		<Column type="One.Core.UI.MVC.Pages.GridList.GridListPageActionsColumn, One.Core.UI.MVC">
              			<Title>Edit Popup</Title>

3. Page Action Section, go to new page

Page Action Section, Go to new page
				<Title>Create New</Title>
				<!-- Parameter 1 -->
					<!-- In DataKey we declare the server parameter name -->
					<!-- In DataValue we declare the server parameter value
						In this example the server parameter value is a static value of the page id we want to open -->
				<!-- Parameter 2 -->
					<!-- Instead of DataValue, we can user MapperDataProvider, 
						which takes the actual value from the declare property model -->
						<!-- Property Model name -->
						<!-- The actual value-->
4. Sub Header Page Action, go to new page
OneDealerPage Section
	<!-- Icon to be displayed in the header section-->
	<!-- Action Section on the top right of the page - Page Actions / Sub Header Page Actions -->
		<!-- Sub Header Page Action - As Dropdown menu -->
			<!-- Dropdown Item -->
				<!-- Icon to display -->
				<!-- URL to call -->
				<!-- if it will open as pop up form -->
				<!-- Title / text to display -->
          		<Title>Create New</Title>
				<!-- Parameter 1 -->
					<!-- In DataKey we declare the server parameter name -->
					<!-- In DataValue we declare the server parameter value
						In this example the server parameter value is a static value of the page id we want to open -->
				<!-- Parameter 2 -->
					<!-- Instead of DataValue, we can user MapperDataProvider, 
						which takes the actual value from the declare property model -->
						<!-- Property Model name -->
						<!-- The actual value-->

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