In this document we will describe the functionality of OneDealer Marketplace integrated with TwoS listing tool.

Scope of this module is to provide to the marketplace user the functionality of uploading the vehicle advertisement to the desired marketplaces ( & Autoscout24 at the moment)

Step-by-step guide

Steps in order to enable marketplace module

  1. Setup Configuration
  2. Setup user with role: Marketplace Manager
  3. Setup Marketplaces
  4. Setup Mappings

1. Setup Configuration

OD Exhange Service configuration

TEST Environment 

Setup Settings for communication with TwoS service 

Please contact with Evangelos Mitsios team for production systems.


ODExchangeAPIUnmOD Exhange API usernameODInterfaces@RC.COM

ODExchangeAPIPwdOD Exhange API password123!

ODExchangeTwoSAPICIdOD Exhange API catalog/companyMBTESTQA2

ODExchangeTwoSAPIDIdOD Exhange Api DomainRCGENDEV

ODExchangeTwoSAPIUrlOD Exhange API Url

ODExchangeAPIUnmOD Exhange API usernameODInterfaces@RC.COM
ODExchangeAPIPwdOD Exhange API password123!
ODExchangeTwoSAPICIdOD Exhange API catalog/companyHUKTEST
ODExchangeTwoSAPIDIdOD Exhange Api DomainHUK
ODExchangeTwoSAPIUrlOD Exhange API Url

Dat Service Configuration

Test Environment 

Setup Settings for communication with Adaptors service for the Dat vehicle update request. 

Please contact with Evangelos Mitsios team for production systems.


ODExchangeAPIUnmOD Exhange API usernameODInterfaces@RC.COM

ODExchangeAPIPwdOD Exhange API password123!

ODExchangeAPICIdOD Exhange API catalog/companyMBTESTQA2

ODExchangeAPIDIdOD Exhange Api DomainRCGENDEV

ODExchangeAPIUrlOD Exhange API Url


ODExchangeAPIUnmOD Exhange API usernameODInterfaces@RC.COM
ODExchangeAPIPwdOD Exhange API password123!
ODExchangeAPICIdOD Exhange API catalog/companyHUKTEST
ODExchangeAPIDIdOD Exhange Api DomainHUK
ODExchangeAPIUrlOD Exhange API Url

General Setup

MarketplacePriceList2The vehicle price list for the marketplace
VehicleMarketplaceDocTemplateVehicleMarketplaceDocTemplateThe document template for marketplace print out

2. User Setup

Go to user management and add the role "Marketplace Manager" to the user you want to have access to marketplaces

User Configuration

User must have the following business cases in order to have access to Marketplace functionality:

Business CaseDescription
12142Marketplace Edit
12018Add Marketplace
12020MarketplaceList setup

3. Setup Marketplaces

From the menu, search for "Marketplace setup". The link will navigate the user to the setup page of marketplaces where the user can add desired marketplaces.

If the menu is missing the url is [SITE]/marketplace/marketplacelist

4. Setup Mappings

The following mappings should be done:

  • XIS_BODYSTYLE mapping to Twos Body Styles
  • XIS_MARKTPLCS mapping to Twos marketplaces
  • Mapping system "MPAdaports"

As general guides you can follow the referenced links below, but we will try also here to describe the process.

  1. Create Mapping System
    One system for OneDealer and one system for TwoS
    Url: [SITE]/SetupEntities/List/MappingManager/MappingSystem
    Note: In FAT environment the systems exists (OneDealer & MPAdaports)

  2. Create Mapping Object Type
    In this case on object type for XIS_BODYSTYLE and one for XIS_MARKTPLCS
    Url: [SITE]/SetupEntities/List/MappingManager/MappingObjectType
    Note: In FAT environment the object types exists

  3. Create Mapping Object Type Provider for each system (OneDealer & MPAdaports(TwoS)) and for each object type
    Here in the provider we declare the datasource of each object type.
    1. OneDealer and MPAdaports systems for the object type XIS_MARKTPLCS have the same implementation as

      Field: Implementation
      OneDealer.Common.BusinessLayer.MappingSystem.Providers.MarketPlacesProvider, OneDealer.Common.BusinessLayer
    2. OneDealer and MPAdaports systems for the object type XIS_BODYSTYLE have the same implementation as

      Field: Implementation
      OneDealer.Common.BusinessLayer.MappingSystem.Providers.MarketPlacesProvider, OneDealer.Common.BusinessLayer

      Note: In FAT environment the object types exists

  4. Finally in the following url the user can map the values between those two systems
    Url: [SITE]/mappings/maingridlist
    From the list the user can select for which system relation and object would like to see the mapping, by selecting "View" in the row action.
    Then the system will navigate the user to the object mapping list.

System Mapping Guides

Reference: Document Type Mapping


Test Env Mappin XIS_BODYSTYLE  (exempla mapping)
FromCode FromValueToCodeToVaue
05Station WagonEstateCar
07Small CarSmallCar

The ToCodes values where should applied at the mapping where are supported from TwoS are the follow:

  • Limousine
  • EstateCar
  • Cabrio
  • Other
  • SmallCar
  • SportsCar

FromCode FromValueToCodeToVaue
some CodeAutoScount2426AutoScount24

The ToCode value for Autoscount is 26 and for 25 always.

By completing the above referenced steps the user is able to post advertisements through TwoS API. 

Functional Documentation

In the following section we will describe the functionality of the marketplace and how a vehicle can be published to the selected marketplaces or unpublished.

  1. Marketplace user selects a vehicle from inventory that wants to publish for advertisement

  2. The user completes all the related info.
    It is mandatory the user to fill in the VIN, the marketplace price list and the vehicle clones.
    1. Tab "Photos"
      In this tab all the vehicle images exists and the user can select which images are going to be published to the marketplaces

    2. Tab "Clones"
      In this tab the vehicle clones are listed and the user can manage them. The user can create a new vehicle clone, which is the advertisement that is going to be published.
      The column Publication Action indicates if the clone is set to take place to a publication process.
      The column Publication Status indicates the result of the publication process.
      The column Main indicates if this clone has the same body style with the vehicle.

      User can create the clone by selecting "Actions" → "Marketplace "→ "Add new clone".

      Important Note

      The first clone of each marketplace is mandatory have the same body style with the vehicle.

      During clone creation, the system performs a VIN validation through DAT service and if the validation fails the clone won't be created.

      User can edit a clone by selecting the menu on the row of the clone list.

      User can delete the clone and unpublish any existing advertisements

    3. Tab "TwoS Flags"
      This tab contains information for the vehicle regarding options/equipment based on TwoS categorisation. The majority of the available flags are auto generated from TwoS (info retrieved from factory) and the user is responsible to add related info if the user knows that an option/equipement has been added during vehicle's life such as:

      Options / Flags

      For disabled useable
      All Services Performed
      One-day registration
      Registration as Truck
      Vehicle for Export
      Ex-Rental Vehicle
      Technical Inspection/Emission-Test new
      EU Vehicle
      Non smoking vehicle

      Tab TwoS Flags

      TwoS flags can be added from the menu "Actions" → "Marketplace" → "TwoS Flags"

    4. Tab "Pricelist". This is also a common for the vehicle tab where the user can setup the vehicle's price list for marketplace.
      Note: marketplace pricelist is configured by the setup key "MarketplacePriceList" in the General Setup section.

  3. Vehicle page menu "Actions" for the marketplace (User must have BC 12147 to  access to Marketplace in Actions menu)

    1. Menu "Actions" → "Marketplace" → "Prepare Publication"
      By selecting "Prepare publication," the vehicle with its clones is being added to a list of available vehicles/advertisements for publishing. In the tab "Clones", the column Publication Action has now the value "Ready for Publish".
    2. Menu "Actions" → "Marketplace" → "Update Publication"
      By selecting "Update Publication" the system updates the vehicle publications with the current information.
    3. Menu "Actions" → "Marketplace" → "Remove Publications"
      By selecting "Remove Publications" the system redirects the user to a list where can choose which clones/advertisement wants to unpublish from the marketplaces.

  4. Publication Cockpit
    The "Publication Cockpit" page is the place where the user can have an overview of the publication actions. To navigate to this page, the user must open the main menu and search for "Publication Cockpit". If the menu item is missing, the user can navigate to the page through the following url   SITE/Marketplace/PublicationCockpit

    Additionally, from this page the user can perform the publish action with the previously configured vehicles or the unpublish action.

    1. Menu "Actions" → "Prepare new Publish"
      By selecting "Prepare New Publish" the system navigates the user to a list of available for publish vehicles. The publish action is performed Αsync. When the publish is completed at the Twos, then the user who executed the publication will be notified by a notification.
      Also during the publication process, the clones and the publications of them have value at the Publication Action status "Processing". 
    2. Menu "Actions" → "Remove Publications"
      As we mentioned on the Vehicle Page Actions menu, by selecting this option the system redirects the user to a list where can choose which clones/advertisement wants to unpublish from the marketplaces.

  5. Vehicle Publication History
    1. In order to view all the publication history of the vehicle and the statistics per published publication. 

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