The @IDMS_INQUIRYINTTYPE table contains all the definitions of the Interest Types that is used at OneDealer.

The user can create/update an Ιnterest Τype at ~/SetupEntities/List/SalesAndLeads/InquiryIntTypes. A grid list presents all the available Interest Types where the user can change a few parameters.

Despite creating a new Interest Type via the gridlist, development for that Interest Type is still needed in order to be used properly in the Walk In process.

Each Interest Type can also be linked with other Interest Types, if the desired functionality is the same, using the same Assembly path, so that the same backend code will be used.

Each Interest Type requires a configuration on few fields first in order to be usable:

  • Code
  • Name
  • OneDealer Code
  • View Path
  • Assembly
    • Contains the Fully Qualified Assembly path of the code that will be executed when using the given Interest Type.
  • Auto Qualification Flag
    • If it is 1, this flag defines if an inquiry will be auto qualified based on the setup key InqBufferStatusIntQualified. This Setup key contains the Inquiry Status which can be one of the following values (the number is the value of the setup key):
      • Generated = 0,
      • Person Qualified = 1
      • Qualified = 2
      • Interest Qualified = 3
      • Disqualified = 4
      • In Process = 6

Available Interest Types:

  1. OTR (One Touch Retail Configuration)
  2. MBKS (Mercedes Benz Configuration System)
  3. New Vehicle
  4. Used Vehicle
  5. Light Configurator


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