Widget UX Details

To Do widget is displayed in Business Partner Card Page Dashboard. In order to find this widget user must select a business partner from business partner grid list an then Details. From the next page user clicks eye button, to load the Dashboard. When the dashboard loads from the action button the sales person selects the option "Add Widget". Then the user can select which widget to add to dashboard.

TitleTo Do
Entity DashboardBusinessPartnerCardPage

Widget Functional Details

Widget Redirection

When user selects a task system open's a task pop up window.

Widget Technical Details

EntityKey (For filtering)CustomerCode
ODataFilterReservationTypeCode eq '0'
Fully Qualified Name InterfaceOneCore.Core.Interfaces.Common.GridDashboardWidgets.GridListWidget.IGridListItemsWidgetManager, OneCore.Core.Interfaces
Method NameGetGridListItems
  • No labels
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