
The report is designed to highlight key performance indicators (KPIs) for the dealership, specifically addressing metrics related to Potential Customers, Leads, Opportunities, Financing, and Service Contracts generated during the specified timeframe. 

The analysis encompasses selected branches accessible to the user. Additionally, various ratios, including Leads, Opportunities, Test Drives, Bookings (Orders), Financing, and Service Contracts, are calculated and presented in this report.

Report Identity




National Dealership


National Dealership.trdx


National Dealership

Resource Code


Procedure Name


Procedure Type

Stored Procedure


DescriptionField (U_IDMS_ParamName)U_IDMS_Entity

Provided by UI

ValuesDefault ValueMandatory
Date fromDateFrom

Date ToDateTo




Family NameFamilyXIS_FMLYCRYES

Include Internal InquiriesIncludeInternalInquiries

The above parameters can be found in the @IDSM_TR_PARAMETER table (filtered by U_IDMS_ReportCode).

Report Layout 

Report Calculation Logic 

Headers (highlighted with green)

Report NameThe standard Name of the report. 
Date TimeShow the report execution date (day of the week, month, date, time)
User NameName of the User who executed a report
Date PeriodSelected "Period of time" from the parameters

Selected "Branch" from the parameters.

If not selected the report will include data from all available branches in the company


Selected "Make" from the parameters

If not selected the report will include data for all makes


Selected "Location" from the parameters.

If not selected then the report will include data from all locations in the company. 


Selected "Family" from the parameters.

If not selected then the report will include all model-families.

Include Internal

If NO, it will exclude all entities created internally

If YES, it will include entities created internally

Body (purple section)

Report Column

U_IDMS_EventTypeCode (values)

Workflow Transition/State



--Name of the Dealer

Potential Customer

--Number of created Inquiries within the requested period
Lead Nr.--Number of Leads created within DSW and/or converted from Inquiry within the requested period
Lead Ratio--

(Number of Leads created in the requested period*100) / Number of Inquiries created in the requested period

(Fields.NrOfLeads * 100) / Fields.NrOfInquiries)
Opportunities Nr.--Number of Opportunities created within DSW and/or converted from Inquiry and/or Leads within the requested period
Opportunities Ratio--

(Number of Opportunities created in the requested period*100) / Number of Inquiries created in the requested period

(Fields.NrOfOpportunities * 100) / Fields.NrOfInquiries
Ratio Test DrivesCurrentWeekTestDriveTransition IN* → Execute Test Drive & Receive Vehicle

(Number of completed Test Drives*100) / TTL number of Leads and Opportunities

(Fields.NrOfTestDrives * 100) / Fields.NrOfTotalLeadsOpps
Ratio BookingsCurrentWeekOrdersTransition IN*→ Order

(Number of active Orders*100) / TTL number of Leads and Opportunities

(Fields.NrOfBookings * 100) / Fields.NrOfTotalLeadsOpps
Financing Nr.--Number of realised**/actual financing
Financing Ratio--

(Number of Finance Contracts*100) / TTL number of Leads and Opportunities

(Fields.NrOfFinanceContracts * 100) / Fields.NrOfTotalLeadsOpps
Service Contracts Nr.--Number of realized***/actual service contracts
Service Contracts Ration--

(Number of Service Contracts*100) / TTL number of Leads and Opportunities

(Fields.NrOfExtendedPenetration * 100) / Fields.NrOfTotalLeadsOpps
Sales / Orders Booked MTDCurrentWeekOrdersTransition IN*→ OrderNumber of order events for the current month
Deliveries MTD




Transition IN* → Delivery CompletedNumber of delivery events for the current month

* Transition IN: the record that will be considered by the event, is created when the user selects the relevant transition and saves. 

** Realised financing: financing that has been applied. Stored in "@IDMS_REALFINANCING". Related to "@IDMS_DOCUMENT" ( DocEntry for type Order ) < – > "@IDMS_REALFINANCING" ( U_IDMS_DocumentDocEntry ). If more than one record exists, calculate it as one.

*** Realised service contracts: service contracts that have been applied. Stored in "@IDMS_CNTRCT_REAL". Related to "@IDMS_DOCUMENT" ( DocEntry for type Order ) < – > "@IDMS_CNTRCT_REAL" ( U_IDMS_RelatedDocumentCode ). If more than one record exists, calculate it as one.


The report National Dealership filters Inquiries, Leads, and Opportunities according to the initial parameters provided. The main filters are the period and Internal Inquiries. The report finds all relevant events (U_IDMS_EventTypeCode) to the VISIT event with a Visit Event DATE within the selected period. In addition, the report excludes EVENTS that are related to LEADS with VOIs with non-existing Model in the Model tree.

  • UI parameters
    • Period (based on the Visit "Event Date")
    • Branch (according to user dimensions permissions)
    • Location (according to user dimensions permissions)
    • Make Code (according to user dimensions permissions)
    • Family Name 
    • Internal Inquiries (based on “U_IDMS_IsSystemic” is 1 or 0):
      • Yes (“U_IDMS_IsSystemic” = 1) if the inquiry was created automatically from the System;
      • No (“U_IDMS_IsSystemic” = 0) if the inquiry was created through API or by the (plus) button in the inquiry grid list. 

 and displays the summary of the “event types” as per below:

  • Test Drive as NrOfTestDrives
  • Order as NrOfOrders
  • Delivery as NrOfDeliveriesMTD

Fields considered from table "@IDMS_EVNTRESULT"

The following fields from the table @IDMS_EVNTRESULT are taken into consideration: 

  • Dates: "U_IDMS_EventDate" field
  • BranchCode: "U_IDMS_Prop2Code" field
  • MakeCode: "U_IDMS_Prop1Code" 
  • LocationCode: "U_IDMS_Prop5Code"
  • ModelCode: "U_IDMS_ModelCode"
  • FamilyCode: "U_CrFm"
  • VOI: "U_IDMS_VOICode"
  • No labels
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