Widget UX Details

The My Opportunities widget is displayed in Homepage Dashboard of the MyOnedealer Application. In order to find this widget user selects the action button the user selects the option "Add Widget". Then the user chooses which the widget to add to dashboard.

TitleMy Opportunities
Resource Key - TitleOD0004398
DescriptionThe number of Opportunities assigned to you at the moment
Recourse Key - DescriptionOD0004193
Business Case12097
Entity DashboardHome Page Dashboard

Widget Functional Details

Widget Redirection

If the user clicks on the widget page is redirected to the opportunities grid list

Widget Technical Details

ODataFilterU_IDMS_Salesperson eq CurrentUserSlpCode() and IsOpportunity eq 1 and IsActive eq 1
Live Data Group NameOne.Dealer.Models.Entities.IDMS_Lead
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