Leads that they can be pushed to the DMS from the OEM CRM will be transferred to the OneDealer DSW through a job batch process that uses the endpoint of POST Send Inquiry that sent the existing Leads. This process can be configured through Incadea DMS to be automatically executed in a specific time slot everyday.

When a Lead is sent to the DSW from the iDMS then the following information is sent: 

  • Lead Information
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Phone No
  • Home Phone No
  • Email
  • Make code
  • Sales Lead Channel code
  • Sales Lead Source code
  • Lead Request code

After the creation of the Lead, DMS user runs the job batch and the Lead is transferred to the DSW. This process creates in DSW an Inquiry, because all incoming interests need to be qualified first in order to be converted to Lead. The transferred Leads from DMS can be found inside the "Inquiries list".

At that moment, the Lead status inside DMS is "Lead has been imported"

Through the highlighted button in the above screenshot, the DSW user can select to reassign this Inquiry to another salesperson or view it and proceed with the data qualification.

If the DSW user selects to view the Inquiry then the following inquiry page opens and contains the information that was entered during the Lead creation process in DMS.

In the upper right section of the Inquiry page are displayed the: Source, Channel and the current Status of the Inquiry.

In the Details tab are displayed the information of 

  • External System ID which is the Lead code in the external system (DMS)
  • Code which is the code that ODIL uses to map the Inquiry in the DSW system with the Lead from the DMS
  • Interest Type 

The Contact tab contains the information of the customer:


If the customer does not exist in DSW, then the option to create a New Contact as a Private or Company customer appears.

Also the customer information (that the DMS user has entered are displayed) and if the DSW user, selects to create a New Contact, these fields will be autofilled in the contact person creation page that will open.

When the new contact person is created, then inside DSW a Business Partner (BP) is also created for this Contant Person (CP) and the data of this CP are transfered back to the DMS where the new customer is created through the endpoint of POST (Create/Update BP).

The same endpoint is used if the customer already exists in DSW system and any possible update in his information is performed.

The Unqualified Interests tab,contains the vehicle that the customer is interested for:


In this tab are displayed the information about:

  • Make 
  • Family Code
  • Family Name
  • Model Code
  • Vehicle Type
  • Financing

The above values are mapped and visible only after the import of the model tree.

As long as there is an unqualified interest, the DSW user can only reassign tis inquiry or select to disqualify it

The Qualified Interests tab remains empty until the qualification of the "unqualified" interest. When the interest is qualified, only then it appears in the "Qualified" tab and it is removed from the unqualified one.  

In order to Qualify an Interest, DSW user can select the arrow button in the right side of the interest and choose the "Qualify Interest" option

Then a pop-up window opens where the user can select which vehicle will be used for this Inquiry between the following options:

  • Inventory (new or used vehicles)
  • Stock Locator (vehicles that exist on the stock locator of the DMS)
  • Configurator Vehicles (configure a new vehicle)

When the Contact Person is created (or updated) and also the vehicle Interest is Qualified, then the status of the Inquiry is updated from "Generated" to "Person Qualified".

Then the user can select from the "Actions" button the "Create Lead" option and then the Inquiry is transformed into a Lead. When the Lead is created then an update is transfered to the DMS through the endpoint of 

POST (Send Inquiry Update) and then the status of the Lead inside the DMS is displayed as "Lead is Data Qualified".

Next step in the process

When the sales person creates the Lead from the Inquiry, then he can proceed with the process of "Sales Offer - Retail"

dms-std-api: →https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/ThinkRIT/dms-std-api/1.2.0#/Customers/SendCustomer

odil-dms-api: →odil-dms-api | | ThinkRIT | SwaggerHub

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