Widget UX Details

Action Container Grid List widget is displayed in Home Page Dashboard. In order to find this widget user selects the profile icon and then the option "Add Widget". At the next page user chooses the widget to add to dashboard.

TitleAction Container Grid List
Resource Key - TitleOD0003441
DescriptionView and quick-edit all Sales Cases created by or assigned to you, updating their Workflows with Activities
Recourse Key - DescriptionOD0004150
ComponentGrid List
Bottom Link URL/ActionContainerExecution/ActionCaseList?ActCont
Entity DashboardHome page

Widget Functional Details

Widget Grid List


  • Title
  • Action Case Code
  • User Name
  • Action Case Create Date

When user selects the  System is redirected to Action Container Grid List

Widget Technical Details

Fully Qualified Name InterfaceOneCore.Core.Interfaces.Common.GridDashboardWidgets.GridListWidget.IGridListItemsWidgetManager, OneCore.Core.Interfaces
Method NameGetGridListItems
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