Widget UX Details

Today's Delivered job Cards (all) widget is displayed in Home Page Dashboard. In order to find this widget user selects the profile icon and then the option "Add Widget". At the next page user selects the widget to add to dashboard.

TitleToday's Delivered Job Cards (all)
Resource Key - TitleOD0011096
DescriptionJob Cards that were delivered Today
Recourse Key - DescriptionOD0011102
Business Case12281
Bottom Link URL/JobCard/List?jcListFilter=TodaysDelivered&jcListFilterOption=AllEntries
Entity DashboardHomepage

Widget Functional Details

Widget Redirection

When user selects the  system is redirected to Todays delivery list

Widget Technical Details


Interface FQNOneDealer.DASW.MVC.ActionControllers.Interfaces.IJobCardActionController, OneDealer.DASW.MVC
Interface MethodGetTodaysDeliveredCount
Interface ParameterAll Entries