Widget UX Details

In Home Page Dashboard displayed Leads widget. To found this widget user must select the profile icon. Select the option "Add Widget". Select the widget to input to dashboard.

Resource Key - TitleOD0000fa-IR5
DescriptionThe number of active Leads assigned to you at the moment
Recourse Key - DescriptionOD0004181
Business Case1551
Entity DashboardHome Page Dashboard

Widget Functional Details

Widget Grid List 


  • Lead Group Name
  • Inquiry Source

When user select the "more" button  system redirects to Leads Grid List.

Widget Technical Details

URL/Sales Opportunity/LeadsGridList/
ODataFilterSPCode eq CurrentUserSlpCode() and OPPCode eq null and IsActive eq 1 and IsOpportunity eq 0 and U_IDMS_ProgressStarted eq 1
  • No labels