There are 12 Business Sales Reports available for Digital Sales Workplace that are described and explained in the following pages. The reports are produced based on the events counted and stored in the table @IDMS_EVNTRESULT. This table is updated through a specific service that can run on a daily basis and on the frequency configured.

For every EventTypeCode we count the date on which the Event is created. The event is linked to a Entity Code of a Lead/Opportunity and related to a specific BP.

Report NameReport File Report CodeBusiness Case
1Orders Report: Maturity Analysis (Analytical Multi Make)OneDealer_OrdersMaturity_Branch_Analytical_GR_v1.4ODPRODREPORDMATBRANAL30060
2Orders Report: Maturity Analysis (Summary/Grouped Multi Make)OneDealer_OrdersMaturity_Branch_Grouped_GR_v1.4ODPRODREPORDMATBRGROUP30061
3Sales Opportunities Branch (MultiMake)OneDealer_SalesOpportunities_Branch_GR_v1.4ODPRODREPSALESOPPBR30067
4Sales Orders Branch (Mutli Make)OneDealer_SalesOrders_Branch_GR_v1.4ODPRODREPSALESORDBR30068
5Sales Report: Advisors PerformanceOneDealer_PerAdvisor_GR_v1.3ODPRODREPPERADVINFO30063
6Per Source Channel Info (Multi Make)OneDealer_PerSourceChannel_GR_v1.3ODPRODREPPERSCINFO30066
7Orders Report: CalendarOneDealer_OrderTime_GR_v1.4ODPRODREPORDERTIME30062
8Sales Report: Per Family/Model (Analytical)OneDealer_PerFamilyModel_GR_v1.4ODPRODREPPERFMINFO30065
9Per Advisor Opportunities InquiriesOneDealer_PerAdvisor_Perf_Opp_Inq_GR_v1.3ODPRODREPPERADVINFOOPINQ30064
10Orders ReportOneDealer_SalesOrders_SalesArea_GR_v1.4ODPRODINSREPSALORDSALAREA30069
11Sales Report: Sales OpportunitiesOneDealer_SalesOpportunities_SalesArea_GR_v1.4ODPRODINSREPSALOPPSALAREA30071
12Orders Report: Maturity Analysis (Analytical)OneDealer_OrdersMaturity_SalesArea_GR_v1.4ODPRODINSREPORDMATSALAREA30070


  • The parameters of all reports are available in the table @IDMS_CR_PARAMETER table
  • The reports are rpt files that are stored in the following directory in the application folder of the IIS server. The location of each report is stored in the @IDMS_CR_REPORT table.
    File path at IIS: …\Content\Reports

  • The users that their actions should be considered properly in all reports should have in each of their related Teams, "Is Reporting Aware" = 1 (Yes)
  • All the reports are displaying Events created in the date range selected in the report criteria
  • Each event calculates the mentioned Workflow State or Workflow Transition without performing any extra calculations (add or substract the results of other Events)
  • The reports including Branch related information (suffix: _Branch_), are fetching only results related with the Branch of the logging user, requesting the report.
    • Orders Report: Maturity Analysis (Analytical Multi Make)
    • Orders Report: Maturity Analysis (Summary/Grouped Multi Make)
    • Sales Opportunities Branch (MultiMake)
    • Sales Orders Branch (Mutli Make)
  • The Reports related with Sales Areas must be used from relevant users that have dimension permissions related with all the branches of the selected Sales Area:
    • Orders Report
    • Sales Report: Sales Opportunities
    • Orders Report: Maturity Analysis (Analytical)
  • In some of the Reports, the Crystal Report Viewer Group Tree functionality can be used, in order to redirect to report pages per Branch or per Sales Employee. (i.e.: in the Report: "Sales Report: Advisors Performance" Group Tree separated the report results per Branch. The available Branches for selection are based on the initial filtering.)

The events used by all the available reports, in various combinations, are the following. In each report page, there is an analysis about the exact Events used by the relevant report.

U_IDMS_EventTypeCode (values)Workflow Transition/StateExplanation of the results
CurrentWeekSpontaneousCustomers ** State IN → Initial Contact

Sum of Initial Contacts per salesperson (counts the closed activities created from state Initial Contact).

CurrentWeekFollowUpCustomers** State IN → Follow Up call

Sum of Follow Up call per salesperson (counts the closed activities created from state Follow Up call)

CurrentWeekTestDrive* Transition IN → Execute Test Drive & Receive Vehicle

Sum of Test Drives per Family (counts all the transitions Execute Test Drive and Complete Test Drive)

CurrentWeekOffers* Transition IN → Offer

Sum of Offer per salesperson (counts the last time that pass thought Create Offer transition per sales lead)

CurrentWeekOfferFollowUp** State IN → Offer Follow Up Call

Sum of Offer Follow Up Call per salesperson (counts the closed activities that created from state Offer Follow Up Call)

CurrentWeekPendingOrders* Transition IN → Order

Sum of Pending Orders per family (Counts all the transitions Create Order)

CurrentWeekOrders* Transition IN → Sign Order

Sum of Sign Orders per salesperson (counts the last time the transition Sign Order was created per sales lead for Main VOI - distinct Date)

CurrentWeekNewCarSales* Transition IN → Sign OrderSum of Sign Orders per salesperson (counts the last time the transition Sign Order was created per sales lead for Main VOI - distinct Date & Time)
CurrentWeekCancelations* Transition IN → Order Cancelled

Sum of Order Cancelled per family (all the transitions Order Cancelled)

CurrentWeekOrderFollowUp<Event not available>
CurrentWeekCarDeliveries * Transition IN → Delivery Completed

Sum of all Delivery Completed per salesperson (counts all the time Delivery Completed was selected)

CurrentWeekClassifications* Transition IN → Delivery CompletedSum of all Delivery Completed per salesperson (counts all the time Delivery Completed was selected)
CurrentWeekDeliveryFollowUp** State IN → Delivery Follow Up CallSum of Delivery Follow Up Call per salesperson (counts the closed activities that created from state Delivery Follow Up Call)
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