The Contracts tab in the Business Partner card page can include 3 possible sections:

  • Contracts
  • Finance
  • Payments

The Contracts section is always available, while the Finance and Payments sections are visible only when there are finalized finances or/and payments related with this Business Partner.

The whole Contracts tab is controlled from the Business Case: 13011

Contacts section

The Contracts section displays all the offered Contacts based on the Offers of Leads created for this Business Partner. During the Offer preparation, all the Contracts with Business Partner relation type included into the Offer, will be displayed in the Contracts section.

The section is separated into two sub sections:

  • Offered Contracts: Contracts added/offered to the Business Partner, either manually or through a sales offer.
  • Realized Contracts: Offered Contracts that have been accepted, through the "Accept" row action.

In addition, this section includes some user actions:

  1. Plus (plus) button: Prepare an ad-hoc Contract without passed through the sales Offer process.
  2. Offered Contracts row actions:
    1. Edit: Possibility to edit and change the Duration, Description, Net Price and Start/End Date of the selected Contract.
    2. Accept: Move the contract from the Offered section to the realized section.
    3. Decline: Remove the offered contract completely.
  3. Realized Contracts row actions:
    1. Edit: Possibility to edit and change the Net Price and Start/End Date of the selected Contract.
    2. Renew: Prepare and create a new Offered Contract based on the renewed one.
    3. Delete: Remove the realized contract completely.

Finance section

This section is displayed only if the selected Business Partner has at least one finalized Finance.

Finalized Finance: a finance that has been offered to the Business Partner through a sales Offer gets finalized after this Offer becomes an Order.

The section includes:

  • a grid list with the finalized finances and information about them
  • row actions for each entry in the list:
    • Edit: Possibility to edit and change the Start date and Description of the entry
    • Delete: Completely remove the entry

Payments section

This section is displayed only if the selected Business Partner has at least one finalized Payments.

Finalized Payment: a payment that has been offered to the Business Partner through a sales Offer gets finalized after this Offer becomes an Order.

The section includes:

  • a grid list with the finalized payments and information about them
  • row actions for each entry in the list:
    • Edit: Possibility to edit and change the Payment Date, Payment Method, VAT Code, Payment Amount, Description and Comments
    • Delete: Completely remove the entry
  • No labels