General Description of the Feature

This feature implements some enhancements in various grid lists and card pages which can help a sales advisor monitor if the data of a selected Business Partner are up to date or have been updated for the last time months ago. The amount of months and the enable/disable of this functionality are controlled from a setup key.

Therefore, the following enhancements have been implemented:

  • New column in the BP/CP grid list, called "Audited".
  • New column in the Lead, Opportunity and Purchase lead grid list, called "Business Partner Audited".
  • New fields in the BP and CP card page, called "Last Audit Date" & "Last Audit User".
  • New fields in the Lead, Opportunity and Purchase Lead process page, in the tab "Overview", called "Last Audit Date" & "Last Audit User".

The above mentioned columns include the possible values:

  • "BP Audited Date - BP Audited User": Last valid audit date and user
  • (warning) "BP Audited Date - BP Audited User": The symbol next to values will appear if the last audit date is older that the amount of months configured in the relevant setup key.
  • "No": If no audit date is available.

The above mentioned fields are read-only and they include the date and name of the user that did the last auditing. In order to audit a Business Partner, a new Action button has been implemented, which the user can click it and update the date, time and current user name into the "Last Audit Date" & "Last Audit User" fields. After this action the system considers the appointed Business Partner as Audited.

Additionally, inside the BP and CP card page, if these BP’s audit has expired, then a warning sign ((warning)) is displayed next to the title, with the flight out message “Business Partner needs audit” when hovering over it.

Finally in Lead, Opportunity, and Purchase Workflow pages if the BP’s audit has expired, the user won’t be able to process the workflow. This happens by using a blocking form in the Activities tab of the process page. On the bottom right corner of the form the user is informed with a warning message that the related BP needs to be audited before proceeding with any further actions.


Business Benefit

In order to support the Sales Executive in managing the Business Partner Base Data the above enhancements have been implemented. These enhancements reminds to the Sales Executive that a Business Partner should be audited and provides the possibility to manage their data keep them up-to-date.


  • Setup Key: TimePeriodForValidBPData
  • Business Case ID: 13400

By configuring this setup key, the user both enables the Customer Audit functionality (all the above mentioned fields, columns, action buttons and functionalities will be enabled) and also configures the amount of months for the customer auditing.

  • Valid value: Number of months that BP’s data are considered valid (integer)
  • Default value: 0

(warning) To disable the whole functionality, the admin can leave the "Entity Value" field, of this setup key, empty.

The popup text is a combination of the below resource keys:

Resource KeyText
OD0007749The last audit for the business partner
OD0007750was on
OD0007751Is the data up to date now and should the audit date be updated?

Additional Information

Feature No.: AVGA-31

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