General Description of the Feature

New Search option

This feature is about a new option added at the enterprise search

When the user selects to VTR search option the following actions are executed:

  • A request is sent to BilVision to retrieve the data related to this License plate.
  • If the response from BilVision contains a valid response, then a search is in the database is made if a vehicle exists with the selected license plate

If the vehicle exists only in BilVision a new page with 1 line is presented .If the vehicle exists in both environments 2 lines are presented.                                                                                                                           

New Grid List page                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

A new grid list page has been created to present the results of the new search functionality.

1.If the license plate exists only in BilVision the user will see the following output


and the possible action is "Create Vehicle and BP"

2.If the license plate exists in both environments, then the output is presented in two lines

and the possible actions will be “Update Ownership” and “Update Address”.

Each line has a column named “Source” that indicates the source of the line.

  • VTR = BilVision search
  • Internal = OneDealer database search


 Create Vehicle and BP:

The system uses the data from the BilVision search to create a customer vehicle in our database. The user performs a search for the BP sent from BilVision in OD system,

  • If the BP exists in OD system then this user is added as an owner in the newly created vehicle.
  • If the BP does not exist, then a new BP is created (and the address sent) and the newly created vehicle is assigned to this BP. When this process is finished then the user is redirected to the newly created vehicle.

Update Ownership:

If the vehicle in OD system has already an owner that is different from the one sent from BilVision, then a popup is shown  to the user with the current owner and the new owner that will be assigned at the existing vehicle.

If the user confirms this ownership change, then a search is performed in OD database for the BP sent from BilVision.

If the existing vehicle does not have an owner, a search is performed in OD database for the BP sent from BilVision. 

  • If the user exists in OD database, then the user is assigned as owner of the vehicle.
  • If the user does not exist, a new BP is created with the data sent from BilVision and the vehicle is assign to him as an owner. When the process is finished, the user is redirected to the vehicle page.

Update BP Address:

If the BP is the same in OD and in BilVision search the user could select to update only the address of the BP in OD with the address from BilVision. If so, then a duplicate check is performed for the address sent from BilVision and if a duplicate exists then this Address is set as Main Address. If not, then a new address is created and assigned this as main of the BP. When the process is finished, the user is redirected to the BP that the address has been updated.

Business Benefit

An  integration has been created with Nordics market and Swedish/Norwegian transportation authority system in order the user get the latest information about the vehicle, vehicle ownership, and vehicle's owner details. 


Setup Keys:

The BilVision URL, UserName and Password must be requested by Bilvision separately for the UAT and for the PROD environment. 






The value of this key is set as VatGroup of the BP




Example: bv52578


Example: ysxtsin9A

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  BB-11 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  BB-132 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • No labels
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