NOTE: The SendGrid procedure is handled by OneDealer IT Dept. 


The Onedealer mail notifications service works with SendGrid service to verify the integrity of the Sender.
The sender mail should use a custom domain where is authenticated at the SendGrid. If the sender custom domain isn't authenticated at the SendGrid the sender form the onedealer notifications service will be always where this custom domain is authenticated at the SendGrid.
Also sender domains such as or etc cannot be authenticated at the SendGrid.
If any mail was sent by the onedealer system with sender mail where is using such as these domains the sender will be always the


  1. Add the custom domain name at the odnotification service database (SQL) of the client at the table VerifiedSenders.  (ODEmailNotificationsEUW at VOD1ASQL01 server)
  2. Login to the onedealer SendGrid account.
  3. From the left side menu go to the Settings/SenderAuthentication.
  4. Click on the Authenticate Your Domain button and Next button. 
  5. Add the custom domain name like "".
  6. To send the configuration settings of the SendGrid to the IT of the client to configure these settings at the their DNS go to the "Send to Coworker" tab, place the mail address of clients IT and Send.
    1. Inform the IT that must inform us that the configuration of at the DNS was done.  
  7. When we informed that the client DNS was configured, then go to the SendGrid list of the SenderAuthentication open the relate domain and click the Verify button.
    1. If the verification succeed the sender will be from the verified custom domain . The authentication process is done.
    2. If the verification fails then contact again IT and re-verify the whole process. There is no issue from the side of the OneDealer infrastructure. Probably something is not configured well at the side of the customer (domain owner ) DNS. 

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