Modules get activated through the ~/SetupEntities/List/Administration/IDMS_MODULECONFIG administration page and they should be configured per Installation Code (tenant).

Available Modules:

Module CodeRelated with
CompanyWideLeadsLead/Opportunity permission to view Leads of others
SalesTypeSales Type action in the Lead/Opportunity
PurchaseLeadEnables the Purchase Lead use.
PurchaseLeadFromTradeInEnables the automatic creation of Purchase Leads when a Trade-in is added
QuestionnaireEnables the Sales Questionnaire
QuickEditActionEnables the Quick Edit action of a Business Partner within Lead/Opportunity & Purchase Leads.
ScanLicensePlateEnables the Scan License Plate (integration with OCR) for Inventory Vehicles
TemperatureEnables the Temperature action in the Lead/Opportunity
TradeInEnables the Trade-In functionality, action and tab for the Lead/Opportunity
VehiclePurchaseAccessoriesTabEnables the Accessories tab in the Purchase Lead
VehiclePurchasePricingCalculationTabEnables the Pricing Calculation tab in the Purchase Lead
WholesaleLeadTemperatureEnables the Temperature action in the Multi-Unit 


Scenario: Every user should be able to see in their grid lists of leads and opportunities only their own (whatever they have created or whatever has been assigned to them). This way they will not be able to select and change a lead that belongs to another user. 

To do this in OneDealer we can do the following:

  • Enable a module called "CompanyWideLeads"
  • As soon as this module is enabled all the users will be able to see in the lists only the leads and opportunities that belong to them and NOT leads that belongs to someone else.
  • Users that should be able to see opportunities of other users should have the Business Case 1552 which will give them this permission.

What to consider before enabling this module:

  1. If a customer has 2 active leads made from two different sales advisors, these sales advisors will not be able to see this because they will see only their own lead. The manager that will most probable have the BC: 1552 will be able to see it.
  2. Users will not be able to see, access or change leads that belong to other sales advisors and this means that if this is needed, someone has to reassign the lead from one to another user.
  3. Users might complain that they do not see the same amount of leads they used to see previously.
  4. Someone has to plan and prepare the configuration of which users should get the BC 1552 and thus the permission to see, access and edit leads that belong to other users.
  5. This module will affect the permission of all the users in terms of what they can see in their leads and opportunities lists.

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