The implementation of the OneSrv logs where handling at the mongo logs all the incoming service requests at the OneDealer.  Is following the approach of the InterfacingRequestLog where handles (logs) from all requests form the integration layer functionality of the OneDealer solution.

OneSrv handling log mechanism was implemented with the following functionality:

Jira Task:  ODP-1760
AppVersion 2.58 and .2.56.14
OneDealer Monitor Page Url:

New Entity was introduced for the MongoBusinessData with Name: OneSrvIncomingRequestLog where inherits from InterfacingRequestLog because many of the properties are similar at the use.

  • Creation Time. When this request was handled from the OneDealer.
  • Duration. The time of all the process from the request to the response.
  • Interface Type. The interface where is configured at the .onesrv. file of the calling Onedealer Service
  • RequestUri.  The Url of the service.
  • RequestBody. The Request body.
  • RequestData. The request data where generated from the request body.
  • RequestMethod. The actual method signature name at the interface.
  • ResponseStatus. The Http status code of the response.
  • ResponseData. The response data of the service.
  • ServicePath. The Service path under OneDealer IIS deployed App.

At the OneCoreWebSrvHandler and at OneDealer.AVAG.MVC.Controllers.CrmController was implemented a new private method where handles and logs all the incoming requests and the response of them.

In OneDealer.AVAG.MVC.Controllers.CrmController:

In OneCoreWebSrvHandler:

  At the mongo logs you can filter from the Collection Dropdown only for OneSrv logs by selecting the option "OneSrvIncomingRequestLog".

OneDealer Page

These Logs also are provided in the OneDealer app at the Url: ~/monitor/OneSrvIncomingRequestsLogs
Login user must have the follow BusinessCase: 2442 to access the page.


At the GridList OneSrvIncomingRequestsLogs you can find all the logs of the Incoming requests, you can filter them by using the filters of the list.

  • Date From.
  • Date To.
  • Response Status.
  • Request Url.
  • Method Name. The actual method signature name at the interface
  • Interface Type. The interface where is configured at the .onesrv. file of the calling Onedealer Service


You can export many logs from the page action by using only the filters of the list to avoid huge files to download and connection time outs at the browser because of the big number of the exporting logs.

The logs can be exported one by one at the row action. Also you will find the follow actions where can export only the RequestBody or only the RequestData:

Row Actions:

  • Download Full Log Data. 
  • Download Request Data
  • Download Request Body
  • Download Response Data

Page Action:

  • Export OneSrv Logs

Note: At the Export OneSrv Logs action the system is using the same query where the system use when filters are applied at the list.

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