General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with the enhancement of the Tasks.  The Tasks can be assigned now also to Teams.


  • The already existing "My Tasks" page is enhanced with the functionality - action to export the Tasks to an excel file (BC: 12002 Export data to Excel)


  • A new page is created to show the Team Tasks "My Team Tasks"
    • The page contains:
      • All tasks assigned to the team(s) of the current logged in user
      • Action to export the tasks to an excel file
      • Filter for all properties. The page by default load with the open-pending task as a filter.
      • Edit "row action" opens the update pop-up


  • A new page created to show All Company Tasks "All Tasks"
  • The page contains:
    • All tasks of the Company (Entity Dimension) of the current logged in user 
    • Action to export the tasks to an excel file
    • Filter for all properties. The page by default load with the open-pending task as a filter.
    • Edit "row action" opens the update pop-up


  • In the existing properties-pages "Task Category" and "Task Reason" the admin User can define the Task Categories and the Task Reasons


Now when a User creates a Task he has the possibility to assign the Task to a specific User or to a Team.

  • Note: when one of the “Assign To User” or “Assign To Team” is selected the other one becomes read-only!



  • Assign To Team:

  • In case that the user belongs to a Call Center Team and the setup-key “CanCallCenterUserAddTasksToAnotherCompany“ is true, the Call Center User can create-add Tasks to Another Company in all the existing Teams in the database.

  • In other case, if the User does not belong to the Call Center Team, he can can create-add Tasks to all Teams that the User belongs to in the current logged in company.

  • Assign To User:

  • In case that the user belongs to a Call Center Team and the setup-key “CanCallCenterUserAddTasksToAnotherCompany“ is true, the Call Center User can create-add Tasks to all the existing user in the database

  • In other case, if the User does not belong to the Call Center Team, he can create-add Tasks to all Users belonging to the currently logged in company

  • The task details are accessible for everyone in the current Company


  • Create Activity in Calendar:

The Activity in Calendar will only be created to the Assignee of the Task if exists.


When a Task is assigned / re-assigned to a Team the selected activity details will be saved to the database until a user takes the Task. That means, no activity will be displayed in the Calendar.


As soon a User takes the Task then the activity in the calendar will be displayed


  • Notification:

Notification will be sent to all assign team members or the assign user except the handler of the task. 


Task creation


Team member:


When a user is assigning a task to a cross company entity (user/team that is not in the current company with the creator / editor) the system will impersonate the process and will override the dimension with the dimensions of target entity.

As a result: Users that do not have access in the new dimension will not have access to the task either (even the creator user). This scenario cannot work with multiple databases

In case that the task change dimension level the impersonation process must be implemented also for lower levels of the entity dimension.

  • Widget 

List of Open Team Tasks (BC to see the widget: 12311)

Contain all tasks assigned to the team(s) of the current logged in user

By clicking the title the user can see / edit the task

By clicking More the User will be redirected to My Team Tasks page


Open Team Tasks (BC to see the widget: 12311)

Count widget that shows how many team tasks exist for the user that is logged in.

By clicking the user will be redirected to My Team Tasks page


Menu tile

In order to create a menu tiles the following information's can be used:

  • Description: My Team Tasks
  • Action URL: UserTasks/MyTeamTasks
  • Icon: icon icon-task
  • Color: #009CDB
  • Business Case ID: 12311
  • Resource Code: OD0011347

  • Description: All Tasks
  • Action URL: UserTasks/ AllTasks
  • Icon: icon icon-task
  • Color: #009CDB
  • Business Case ID: 12310
  • Resource Code: OD0011348

Business Benefit

The User has the possibility to assign Tasks to Teams


Business Cases:

  • The task can only be edited:
    • In case of team assignment, from all team members and the creator of the task or any user that has the BC “12312”
    • In case of user assignment, from assignee and the creator of the task or any user that has the BC “12312”
  • The task can only be deleted:
    • In case of team assignment, from the creator of the task or any user that has the BC “12313”
    • In case of user assignment, from assignee and the creator of the task or any user that has the BC “12313”
  • BC "12002" Export data to Excel
  • BC "12311" to see the My Tasks page, List of Open Team Tasks Widget, Open Team Tasks Widget
  • BC "12310" to see the All Tasks page


User can see all tasks


User can see team Tasks


User can edit any Tasks


User can delete any Tasks

Setup Keys:

Setup Key


Default Value




New Tables


Revised DB Tables

  • IDMS_UserTask.cs properties added:
    • EmployeeName
  • IDMS_UserTasksView properties added:
    • U_IDMS_CreatedActivityDuration
    • U_IDMS_CreatedActivityType
    • U_IDMS_CreatedActivityColor
    • U_IDMS_TeamID  
    • TeamDescription  
    • U_IDMS_DIM_Company
    • U_IDMS_DIM_Branch
    • U_IDMS_DIM_Location
    • U_IDMS_DIM_Make
    • U_IDMS_DIM_MSegment

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  AVSB-328 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  ODP-4257 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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