General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with the development of a new product module, called "Wholesales Entity". With this new module, users of the DSW application that are defined as Sales Advisors for the Wholesales module, can go through a full sales process, where they can sell multiple vehicles/fleets in one lead. 

In order for this new module to work a series of preparations needs to take place. All the mandatory and optional configuration can be found below in the relevant section. This configuration includes system configuration and configuration data preparation.

The "Wholesales Lead" is an entirely new entity for DSW, it has a similar UI experience as the well known retail lead/opportunity but with completely new Database Tables, methods and functions that control the whole functionality.

"Wholesales Lead" creation

There are three ways to start the process of creating a new wholesales lead:

  1. From the application header plus (plus) icon and the button "Create Wholesale Lead"
  2. From the plus (plus) icon within the "Wholesales Lead" & "Wholesale Opportunities" grid lists.
    Note: Creating an opportunity directly without the possibility to add vehicles first, deemed redundant, that’s why the action in the opportunity grid list, creates always a lead instead.
  3. From the Action button within the Business Partner card page and the action "Create → Create Wholesale Lead"

After selecting any of the two first options the creation process starts with:

  1. A list of all the available Business Partners to select from. 
  2. After selecting the Wholesale lead pop-up window opens, including a variate of fields.

If the option 3 was selected, the first step is skipped and the system displays the Wholesale lead pop-up window directly.


After filling up all the fields in the "Create Wholesale Lead" pop-up window and selecting the "Confirm" button, the Wholesale Lead entity will be created, the page will refresh and the Wholesales Lead process page will open. The user can start working on the sales process.

Wholesale Lead pop-up window

The pop-up window includes the following fields:

Field NameTypeDescription
Nameread-onlyIncludes the name of the selected Business Partner.
Contact Persondrop-downIncludes the available Contact Person entities of the selected Business Partner. The field comes pre-filled with the "Main Contact Person".
Fleet Typedrop-downIncludes the available "Fleet Type" values. The available values are Option Fields and the field comes pre-filled with the Business Partner's relevant values, if any.
Fleet Segmentdrop-downIncludes the available "Fleet Segment" values. The available values are Option Fields and the field comes pre-filled with the Business Partner's relevant values, if any.
Inquiry Channeldrop-downIncludes the configured Channel values linked with the Interest Type "Wholesale Lead".
Inquiry Sourcedrop-downThe field is enabled only after channel selection is been made. Includes the configured Sources paired with the selected Channel and the Interest Type "Wholesale Lead".
Vehicle Typedrop-down

Static drop-down and two possible values: new & used

Based on the selection made in this field it is determined if the lead referrers to new or used vehicles sale. 


Includes all the Make available values based on the user's Dimension Permissions.

Based on the value in the setup-up key "WholesaleLeadShowAllMakes" it is determined if the user will work only with the selected Make or if it will be just the leading Make and the user can add vehicles from more Makes, based again on his dimensions.

Currenciesdrop-downIncludes all the available Currency values. New implementation in feature HA-21.

Wholesale Lead process page

The Wholesale Lead process page consists of the following important elements:

  • Page Header
  • Page Tabs
  • Right Side-Bar

Page Header

On the left side, the page includes:

  • The Wholesale Lead icon: Yellow for leads and orange for opportunities
  • The Wholesale Lead title: The title is generated at beginning of the wholesale lead creation and can change later on. It consists of the BP name, selected Make, creation date and time.
  • The BP Name
  • The selected CP Name
  • The email of the selected CP

On the right side, the page includes:

  • The Temperature identifier: This identifier can be enabled or disabled from the relevant module in the module config.
  • The Document type and status identifier: This appears only when the wholesales lead has at least one active document and includes the Document Type (Wholesale Offer Document & Wholesale Order Document) and the Document Status.
  • The Actions button with several available actions.
Action button


The "Actions" button includes the following possible actions:

Action NameDescriptionAvailability
Add Related → New TaskThe Users can create Tasks related with the current Wholesale entity.Wholesale Lead & Wholesale Opportunity
Add Related → New NoteThe Users can create Notes related with the current Wholesale entity.Wholesale Lead & Wholesale Opportunity
Add Related → Upload FileThe Users can upload documents related with the current Wholesale entity.Wholesale Lead & Wholesale Opportunity
Change TemperatureThe action is available only when the relevant module is enabled. It controls the value that appear in the Temperature identifier and the possible values are Cold, Medium, Hot.Wholesale Lead & Wholesale Opportunity
Convert to OpportunityThis action converts the current wholesale lead to opportunity and it is available only while the wholesales entity is still a lead.Wholesale Lead
Change Contact PersonThe User can change the contact person selected for this entity based on the available ones the selected BP has. This action is available only if the selected BP has more that one CPs.Wholesale Lead & Wholesale Opportunity
Add Vehicle

With this action the User can add vehicles (new or used) into the Wholesale entity. On selection:

  • If the Setup key "WholesaleLeadShowAllMakes" = True
    • Display the available makes based on the user dimensions.
    • After the make selection, display the configured interests for this Make, based on the "Inquiry Make Interest Type" setup
  • If the Setup key "WholesaleLeadShowAllMakes" = False
    • Display the configured interests of the initial selected Make, based on the "Inquiry Make Interest Type" setup.

This action is not available anymore after the Order creation.

Wholesale Lead & Wholesale Opportunity
Predicted Closing DateThis action is available as soon as the entity is converted to opportunity. The User, with the help of a calendar controller, can add into the entity the "Predicted Closing Date" information.Wholesale Opportunity
WorkflowThis is an administration action that redirects the user into the designer of the linked workflow.Wholesale Lead & Wholesale Opportunity
Page Tabs

The Wholesales Leads and Opportunities can include the following tabs:

Tab NameDescriptionAvailability
Business PartnerIncludes all the generic information of the selected Business Partner, Contact Person and Addresses in 4 different sections:
  • General Data
  • Contact Person
  • Addresses
  • Sales Persons
Activities Includes the Planned and Execute sections. In the planned section is the already planned activity from the relevant Workflow and in the execute section are the available transitions of the WF based on the current state.Constantly
VehiclesIncludes the added, in the Wholesales Lead, Vehicles. This tab is a list with the following columns:
  • Name: The Name of the selected vehicle
  • Quantity: Available only in new vehicles. The User can increase or decrease the quantity of the desired vehicle.
  • Price: The Unit price
  • Active: Yes/No. If a vehicle is not active it will not be considered in the Offer.
Before the Order creation

 This tab includes the vehicles and their information after the Order creation.

  1. Order Line No.
  2. Make (filled only if the vehicle is a specific inventory vehicle)
  3. VIN (filled only if the vehicle is a specific inventory vehicle)
  4. Vehicle Description
  5. Show Features (pop-up available only when a specific vehicle is assigned to this line)
  6. Show Technical Specs (pop-up available only when a specific vehicle is assigned to this line)
  7. Availability Status
  8. Delivery Address (selected in the Order transition)
  9. Truck/Vessel (free text)
After the Order creation
OverviewThis tab includes two sections:
  1. Wholesale Lead data: Generic information about the wholesale Lead
  2. Opportunity data: This section is available only when a lead is converted to opportunity and includes:
    1. Temperature based on the relevant WF configuration
    2. Weighted Amount 
    3. Predicted Closing Date


One section change when the lead is converted to opportunity.

RelatedIncludes the entities related with the selected Business Partner. This is available for the following:
  • Printable Files: Related printable documents with this wholesale lead and BP.
  • Notifications: Related send notifications with this wholesale lead and BP.
  • Wholesale Leads: Other wholesale lead related with this BP.
  • Wholesale Opportunities: Other wholesale opportunities related with this BP.
  • Notes: Related notes with this wholesale lead and BP.
  • Tasks: Related tasks with this wholesale lead and BP.
  • Files: Related uploaded files with this wholesale lead and BP.
Collaboration Includes the collaboration chat box and functionality.Constantly
Right Side-bar

The Right Side-bar of the Wholesales Process Page includes two possible tabs and its displayability is controlled from the relevant button at the bottom right corner of the page.

The two tabs inside the right side-bar are:

  • Prices: This tab includes a high level overview of the sum amounts of the entity. It can include three possible sections based on the state the entity is at any time.
    • Interest section: The sum amount of all the vehicles added into the wholesale entity. This section has a cascaded action and displays some information about the vehicles of interest.
      • Vehicles of interest per Group
      • Unit Price
      • Quantity
      • Total Price of the whole Group
    • Offer section: The sum amount of the latest created open Offer.
    • Order section: The sum amount of the created Order, based of the selected Offer.
  • Agenda: This tab includes in colorful icons all the workflow actions that have been made for this BP inside this entity and in grey icons other actions that have been made in other entities and are related with this BP.

Business Benefit

By implementing this completely new module, automotive dealers are able to handle and process whole fleet sales of vehicles to company and private customers. This new Wholesales Lead module guide the sales advisors through the entire sale process using the well known workflow system, DSW has, both in retail sales and the purchase process.


Setup Keys:

  • WholesaleLeadShowAllMakes: Display all makes that the user can see on the “make selection” popup, when adding a vehicle to the lead, or preselect the make in the popup based on the one that the lead was created
    • Default Value = True
  • WholesaleOppPredictedClosingDate: Defines the number of days that the opportunity is predicted to close.
    • Default Value = 1
  • WholesaleSalesReservationHours: Defines the duration of the reservation in hours
    • Default Value = 240

Existing configuration:

  • ItemGroupsCommaList: The ItemGroups (comma separated) of the Items that should appear for manual add in the Offer of the Wholesales Lead. This is relevant both for the generic plus button on the top of the offer sheet and for the "Add Items" button in each vehicle line. In the "Add Items" button of each vehicle line the system should do a filtering of the Items and display only the items that:
    1. Belong to the Items Groups assigned to this setup key
    2. Are Makeless
    3. Have Make = Vehicle line Make

Business Cases:

  • 9386 - Wholesale Lead
  • 9387 - Wholesale Lead Add Vehicles
  • 10001 - WholeSales_AccessToAddItemButtonInOfferPrev

Option Fields:

  • Entity: BusinessPartner - Field: FleetType
  • Entity: BusinessPartner - Field: FleetSegment
  • Entity: Lead - Field: ClosingReason


A new workflow type is developed and should be used in case of a Wholesales workflow:

Workflow Type: Wholesales

The following functions have been created and can be used into the Workflow of the Wholesales module:

External Functions:

  • Create Document Wholesale Offer: ODP_WholesaleOfferD
    • Create a document of type Wholesale Offer with Status Open
      • The document lines are based on what is presented on the relevant Transition View
    • Update the  Document Line ID for each line of type "Vehicle" of the Wholesale Lead Vehicle entity
    • Update the Amount of the Wholesale Lead Entity to be the total amount of the created offer
    • Print the document using the selected print provider
  • Create Document Wholesale Order: ODP_WholesaleOrderD
    • Creates a document of type Wholesale Order with Status Open based on the offer document that user selected on the UI
    • Connects this document with its predecessor ParentDocEntry field of the @IDMS_DOCUMENT table
    • Updates all the offers that match the following criteria and set their status to closed (excluding the one that the user selected at the UI)
      • Status of the offer documents is not Closed or Canceled
      • Code of the Offer is not the document code selected from the UI
    • Update the field Amount to be the total Amount of the created order and the Active Document Code, Order Creation Date Time at the relevant Document entry of the Wholesale Lead Entity
    • Updates the Delivery Address Code and Estimated Delivery Date in the corresponding line of each vehicle 
    • Update the Document Item Line ID for each line of type "Vehicle" of the Wholesale Lead Vehicle entity
    • Prints the document using the selected print provider
  • Create Document Wholesale Signed Order: ODP_WholesaleSignedOrderD
    • Create a document of type Wholesale Signed Order with Status Open as a copy of the Active Document (Order) from the Wholesale Lead entity
    • Connect this document with its predecessor via the ParentDocEntry field
    • If the user uploaded a file then the printed file is this one
    • If the user signed digitally then the configured print provider is called to get the printed file with the signatures.
  • Cancel Document Wholesale Order: ODP_WholesaleCancelOrderD
    • Cancel a Wholesale Order Document based on the Active Order Document at the Wholesale Lead entity

    • Sets the Status field to "Canceled" of the Wholesale Order Document

    • Empty Active Document Code of the Wholesale Lead entity
    • Sets the field Amount to be the total amount of the most recent document of type WholesaleOffer with Status that is not Canceled or Closed
    • Empty Vehicle Code for each line of type "Vehicle". Only if the lead is of type "New"
    • Empty the field Document Line Id from all Wholesale vehicle lines
    • Cancel Order in the DMS via ODIL (part of the integration)
    • Store the reason of the cancelation in. This will be represented in Related tab Documents Section

Transition Required Views:

  • SimplyWholesalesDocumentOfferView: ODP_WholesaleOfferD
    • Related with the ODP_WholesaleOfferD External Function
    • Presents any previously created offers, if any, otherwise presents the "offer sheet".

      • If the lead/opportunity is referring to “Used“ vehicles, then the document Items are equal with the vehicles in the lead
      • If the lead/opportunity is referring to “New“ vehicles, then the document Items are equal with the distinct/different vehicle in the lead. If similar vehicles (Make, Family, Model, Options) are added then a Group of vehicles will be created and the quantity will increase.
    • The Offer sheet includes:
      • A main "plus" button to add Document Items (resides on top of the "Items" table)
      • All vehicle lines or items added globally to the offer are marked with "bold" style
      • Between each vehicle line (and children items) and other global items, a border is added
      • Each line has a button with a "cog" icon which contains the actions that can be performed on the row
        • All “vehicle“ lines has the extra "Add item" option where we can add items (“children items“) under that vehicle
        • Children Items are linked with the Parent Item via a Parent ID field.
      • Besides each vehicle line there is a small arrow indicating the collapse/expand functionality (if there are items under the vehicle item)
      • Each line is deletable/editable based on how it is defined when created. For example, automatic document lines can be defined as such when they are created via their respective setup page
      • The Payment method dropdown
      • The Transaction Bank dropdown
      • The alternative currency switch (see Alternative Currency)
      • The Prices Summary (totaling block)
        • This stayed pretty much the same as in the retail process. The main difference is at the “edit offer price“ functionality.
          • At the retail process we had one vehicle and the calculated discount was added to that vehicle
          • Now, at the wholesale process, the calculated discount is distributed evenly among each vehicle
      • The Finances list
      • The Terms & Conditions list
      • The Notes box
      • "Send email" checkbox. To use this the relevant configuration has to be made Workflow Setup - NotificationTemplates


  • SimplyWholesalesDocumentOfferAcceptView: ODP_WholesaleOrderD
    • Related with the ODP_WholesaleOrderD External Function
    • Presents any previously created offers, otherwise an error message appears with a cancel button

    • Selecting an offer opens the preview popup where you can
      • See the printed version
      • Select it to become an order
    • Using the following setup page, the user can configure which offer documents will be presented based on their document statuses.
      • ~/SetupEntities/WholesaleCreateOrderSelectedDocumentStatuses
      • If no setup is used, only the offers with Document status different than “Canceled” or “Closed” will be retrieved
    • On Select of the previewed offer:
      • Validation of automatic document lines and sales incentives (same process as the retail lead)
      • After passing validation, another popup opens with the following fields:
        • A "master" shipping address field that contains the shipping addresses of the Business Partner
        • A "master" estimated delivery date field that contains either the value from the @IDMS_DOCUMENT.U_IDMS_EstimatedDeliveryDate field or the current date
        • 3 "columns":
          • The first presents the vehicles of the selected order
          • The second presents a dropdown field that contains the shipping addresses of the Business Partner
          • The third presents a date picker that contains an estimated delivery date
        • If the user chooses a shipping address at the "master" shipping address field or a date at the “master” estimated delivery date field, the value will automatically cascade to the all fields at the respective columns. This way the user can easily set the same address and estimated delivery date to all vehicles without having to do it manually for each one. However, the user has the ability to choose another address and estimated delivery date for specific vehicles, if desired.


  • WholesaleSignedOrderDocumentRequiredView: ODP_WholesaleSignedOrderD
    • Related with the ODP_WholesaleSignedOrderD External Function
    • Allows the user to sign the Order Document in two ways:

      1. Upload a signed document
      2. See the printed version of the Order and sign it digitally


  • Wholesales Order Cancelation Popup: ODP_WholesalesCancelOrder
    • Related with the ODP_WholesaleCancelOrderD External Function. 
    • Existence of Wholesale Order Document is required
    • Allows the user to select the reason why he is canceling the order, by presenting a dropdwn of reasons. The reasons data source is IDMS_OPTIONFIELD with, Entity: Lead & Field: ClosingReason


  • ODP_WholesaleAreVehiclesAddedAtTheLead: Check if Vehicles have been added to the lead
    • This validation can be added in any Workflow Transition that the validation should be performed from the system.

Workflow Related setup:

  • Interest Type: WholesaleLead
    • This new interest type should be used in the configuration of:
      • Workflow Selection: entry should have "Inquiry Interest Type = WholesaleLead” and it should be “makeless”
      • Inquiry Source Channel: Channel work as a parent of Sources. The User will first select the available Channels and then the paired Sources will appear as possible choices for selection.


  • New module in the Module Config called "WholesaleLeadTemperature" can be enabled or disabled per environment and Tenant.

Offer Statuses for ordering:

A new configuration page is developed where the admin user can select and configure the document statuses (Offer document statuses) that will be presented and be available when preparing the Order document.

  • Wholesale CreateOrder Selected Document Statuses: ~/SetupEntities/WholesaleCreateOrderSelectedDocumentStatuses

Wholesales Documents templates (smart type):

  • New Printing Document templates should be designed for the following types:**
    • WholesaleOffer: WholesaleOfferPrintTemplateName
    • WholesaleOrder: WholesaleOrderPrintTemplateName
    • WholesaleSignedOrder: WholesaleSignedOrderPrintTemplateName
  • The printing parameters available for the design of the document templates can be found here:
  • Enable the printing provider for the relevant documents. 

Wholesales Notification templates:

  • New email templates should be designed.
  • The Model Type of the Wholesales Lead email templates is: "Wholesales"
  • The parameters available for the design of the notification templates can be found into the email template designer, when the appropriate type is configured.

Additional Information

  • Feature No.: HA-20
  • Test Case: QA-787
  • No labels
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