General Description of the Feature

This feature enables the transfer of a stock vehicle from a branch or a warehouse to another.

A vehicle transfer can be done through the vehicles page action button from "Change Vehicle Location" option

By selecting this option, a pop-up window will appear to initiate the transfer procedure

The Branch and Location dropdowns will be filled with values based on the Branch/Location logic defined below.

Basic data logic validation(s)

The transfer of a vehicle is possible only when the fields of branch and location are filled in inside the system.

Branches can be viewed as separate elements of the Company, while Locations can be viewed as different operating locations, departments, segments or units.

Branch / Location Logic

From the SAP definition of branches and locations one can deduce that locations cascade from branches.
This, however, need to abide by some rules. There are three cases that change the way the location is derived from the branch.

  • Case A: Transfer to Branch – Warehouse
    • Here the branches are coming from the SAP warehouse master data (OWHS) and the filters applied to them are the following:
      • The field U_XIS_Brnch must have a value and not be empty
      • The field U_XIS_CarWhs must be marked as "Yes" (Y) and
      • The field U_XIS_WhsCrType is Vehicle Status Depended Value
    • The Locations are coming from SAP Bin Location master data (OBIN) for each branch that has
      active location (meaning the field BinActivat is marked as "Yes" (Y) )

  • Case B:  Transfer to Branch
    • The branches are coming with the exact same way as in Case A.
    • The locations, however, are coming from XIOMA Vehicle Location (XIS_VEHICLELOCATION) and the filter applied to them is the following:
      • The field U_XIS_Brnch must be the same code as the selected branch.
  • Case C:  Transfer
    • The branches are coming from XIOMA Branches object (XIS_BRANCHES).
    • The locations are coming from XIOMA Vehicle Location (XIS_VEHICLELOCATION) and the filter applies to them is the following:
      • The field U_XIS_Brnch must be the same code as the selected branch. Business Benefit

Vehicle transfer is a very common procedure inside a company with many branches or warehouses and with this feature enables the quick and proper update of the system. Configuration

There are 2 setup keys that require set up in the system in order to enable the feature of vehicle transfer:

  1. VehicleStockTransferLogic

This setup key holds one of the following values: 

  • OWHSWithLocationsManagement (enables the case A) 
  • OWHSWithXIS_VehicleLocation (enables the case B)
  • XIS_BranchesUdoWithXIS_VehicleLocation (enables the case C)

In code these values represent the EVehicleStockTransferLogic enumeration. 
Based on this key is the retrival logic for Branch and Location required on Vehicle Transfer logic. 

In order to change the value of this key you can navigate to the following URL: ~/SetupEntities/List/Administration/Setup

2. TransferVehicleApiCall

This key is a flag in order for OD to know which vehicle transfer end point is supposed to use from XIOMA API.

This setup key holds one of the following values:

  • VehicleTransfer
  • VehicleTransferRequest

In order to change the value of this key you can navigate to the following URL: ~/SetupEntities/List/Administration/Setup Additional Information 


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