


Feature No.

RWZC-147 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-7332 - Getting issue details... STATUS

General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with a re-design of the "Invoices" tab in the Business Partner card page. The tab includes invoice related to this BP and send from the integrated DMS, as lines into a grid list. Each line represents one invoice on select the detailed lines of the related invoice are displayed.

(warning) DSW does not generate or interfere in any way with the Invoices shared from the relevant DMS. DSW received the data as send from the DMS, via the relevant API (more info here and simply displays them.


In Coupled environments the data are generated to SAP B1, the table saved to is called OINV and the views IDMS_INVOICESHEADER_VIEW, IDMS_INVOICESLINES_VIEW are used to display the data in DSW.


In decoupled environments, the respective DMS can send the data through ODIL to DSW and they will be stored and be displayed from the tables @IDMS_INVOICE, @IDMS_INVOICEDETAILS

Tab structure

The tab is organized in three sections: 1) Filters, 2) Turnover, 3) Invoices and all three interact with each other.


This section includes a selection of filters that cover all the available fields found in the Invoices grid list. 

Filter results are available for the user only after pressing the “Search” button. Users are able to “Clear all” chosen filters using the relevant button. “Clear all” button erases all filters but does not automatically update the filtering, the user should press  search for the empty filtering to apply. When applying a filter, both the "Turnover" and the "Invoices" sections are affected and display the relevant results.

If the "Date" filters are used in a filtering, the date period selected, appears also at the top of the "Turnover" section.

The filter control includes the following filters: 

  • Date from, Date to – dd,mm,yyyy: choose specific timeframe to filter the Invoice by the Invoice Date.
  • Area: dropdown, choose from list of areas available in the list of invoices
  • Invoice Type: dropdown, choose from the list of all invoice types available in the list of invoices
  • Employee: dropdown, choose from existing employees in the list of invoices (this is just a text field and does not represent DSW employees - OHEM)
  • Invoice Category: dropdown, choose from the list of all invoice categories available in the list of invoices
  • Search – free text search: search through all content presented in the grid list view, such as VIN, Employee, Area, etc.


In this section, the sum of all Total Gross Amounts, per Area and in a Total, are displayed. Users are able to check the sum of the relevant amounts and filter the field results using the filters. In case, an Area doesn't include any results, the Area field will be displayed with 0.00 amount.

All the fields included in this section are not editable (read-only) and the sum of the amounts are based on what has been sent from the DMS.

Invoices grid list

The grid list view consists of the following fields/actions:

  • Area: provided from DMS. Possible Values (enums):
    • Vehicle
    • Parts
    • Service
    • Other
    • Rental
  • Invoice number: link field that opens the detailed invoice view
  • Invoice File: is represented by a file icon and is available only if the relevant invoice line has a document. The document is send from the DMS is Base64 format and converted to pdf by DSW. When the file icon is selected, the pdf file opens in the pdf viewer.
  • Invoice Date; provided from DMS
  • Invoice Type: provided from DMS. Possible Values (enums):
    • Internal
    • Customer
    • Warranty
    • Other
  • Invoice Category: provided from DMS. Possible Values (enums):
    • Invoice
    • Proforma
    • Debit Memo
    • Credit Memo
    • Cancellation
  • Model: provided from DMS
  • VIN: provided from DMS
  • Mileage: provided from DMS
  • Gross Amount: provided from DMS
  • Employee: provided from DMS - no relation with the DSW Employees
  • Order Number: provided from DMS,
  • Reference Invoice Number: provided from DMS - link with another existing invoice. The field is a hyperlink to the Invoice details of the referenced invoice.
  • Branch: provided from DMS

the only fields included into an invoice entry that are related and linked with DSW data are, 

  • Business Partner
  • VIN - based on the Vehicle Code (DSW code) provided from DMS 

all the rest are string fields, directly provided by the relevant DMS or enums.

Invoice detailed view

When clicking on the "Invoice Number" link, the pop-up including a detail view of the related invoice is displayed. The Invoice detailed pop-up includes extra information and the lines that are included in the respective invoice.

The Invoice Details pop-up consists of the following fields/actions:


  • Invoice number: identifier of the invoice
  • Invoice date
  • Area
  • Invoice Category
  • Reference Invoice Number

Grid List:

  • Type: provided from DMS
  • Invoice Number: parent invoice number
  • Description: provided from DMS
  • VIN: provided from DMS - possible hyperlink redirecting to the Inventory Vehicle card page (if along with the VIN a DMS Vehicle Code is provided)
  • Unit Price: provided from DMS - price of one unit without discount and VAT along with the currency (provided from DMS)
  • Unit: provided from DMS - unit of measure, i.e. piece, liters, etc.
  • Quantity: provided from DMS - amount of units (vehicle/labor/sublet/ etc.);
  • Discount %: provided from DMS - discount percentage, if available;
  • Net Amount: provided from DMS, total amount without VAT along with the currency (provided from DMS)
  • Gross Amount: provided from DMS - total amount (including discount) along with the currency (provided from DMS)
  • Location code: provided from DMS - no relation with the DMS Locations


  • Total Net Amount
  • Total Discount Amount
  • Gross Total Amount


  • "X" button, top right corner. Close pop-up, back to grid list view
  • The VIN redirection link opens the related Inventory Vehicle card page
  • The Reference Invoice Number redirection link, open the related Invoice Detailed pop-up.


A new widget has been developed, called "Turnover". The Turnover widget is available on the business partner card page dashboard view (360).

This widget presents

  • the Total Gross prices of the selected Invoice Area from the start of the year to the current day
  • below is the calculation of the above price minus the sum of Total Gross prices of the selected Invoice Area from last year’s same exact period.

At the bottom the user can select and view the same calculation per Invoice Area separately or as a Total.


Business Benefit

Invoices history of Business Partner is an important part of the relationship overview between dealership and business partner. Invoices history allows Sales/Service advisor to check previously executed services (or sold parts, vehicles), and provides an additional source of information for the Call Center.


Business Cases:

  • Access to the relevant tab: 12138 - BP Invoices

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  RWZC-147 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  ODP-7332 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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