When creating an "Approval State" in the Workflow the approval type "Offer Discount" is available in the relevant list.

This approval type has the following characteristics:

  • Name: OfferDiscount
  • Rule set to be triggered:
    • The created offer to have: Offer Discount > 0
  • Users that receive the Offer Discount Approval requests: Setup Key=OfferDiscountApprovalManagers (must be assigned "user Id", found in OHEM table)


  • The Offer Discount Approval function will check the existence of discount percentage and/or discount amount of the created offer and freeze the Workflow in order to pass from a manual user approval.
  • The User that is configured to handle this Approval requests will receive a notification informing him that a new approval request has been created.
  • Clicking in this notification, the user will get redirected into the Approval page, where he can:
    • see all the relevant information of the BP, Lead and vehicle
    • select to Approval or Disapprove the request
    • Write some notes
    • Save the approval
  • After approving or disapproving the request, the requestor will receive back a notification informing him for the outcome
  • By refreshing the lead or clicking on the notification, the Workflow is not frozen any more and the user can:
    • Move on with the workflow sales activities
    • Check the notes the previous user added in the approval request, into the Agenda.

At any workflow an "Approval State" of type "OfferDiscount" can be configured. This approval state will have the following logic:

  • automatic approval from the system (when there is no discount in the offer)
  • manual approval by one or many Users (when there is discount in the offer)

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