General Description of the Feature 

This feature deals with the issue of adding extra items as well as utilizing the extra functionalities the offer sheet provides, for example: automatic document lines and sales incentives

Also, τhe aim of this feature is to display the printed file of the created order as a concatenation of the OD printed order and the external system PDF file that the user uploads.

An extra page action, named "Edit Configuration", will be visible until the Accept offer step.

This action will present to the user the initial Configuration Page with prefilled data, so he can change the data according to his needs.

  • Editing the configuration will only affect the VOI entity and not the already created Documents, for historical purposes.

The following fields will be available for editing:

  • Family
  • Model
  • Model as a comment
  • Offer Type
  • Total Price

Business Benefit 

It is important for the user to be able to create the order with the additional items and to display the printed file of the created order as a concatenation of the OD printed order and the external system file that the user uploads so that the disposition does not have to add all additional items manually afterwards.

It is important to document what additional items were ordered (transfer, extended warranty, etc.), as these additional items were not presented in the PDF order file that was uploaded.


The Business Case 12008 should be added to the desired users to be able to see the "Edit Configuration" from the action button.

Set-up Key 


Default Value




The following changes apply to the Configuration Ιnterest Τype which includes the following:

  • TorpedoGroupConfiguration
  • Yugon/FGC

Workflow Configuration

External Functions

  • To support the workflow changes, 3 external functions were created
  1. "Create Offer Document on Lead creation (Configuration)” > should be used at the time the Lead/Opportunity is being created

2. “Add Offer to DB (Configuration)" > should be used at the offer creation transition (Transition: "Offer Requested")

3. “Accept Offer (Configuration)" > should be used at the accept offer transition (Transition: "Offer Accepted")

Transition Required Views

  • TGOfferTypeSelectionView
  • UploadTorpedoGroupOrderView

  • To create an offer after creating a Lead/Opportunity, we need to add the transition required view TGOfferTypeSelectionView at the transition “Request Offer”/ ” Create Offer”.

This will allow the user to use all the functionality that the offer sheet provides, for example the automatic document lines, the ability to add extra items etc.

> First the selection popup “Select Document Offer” will appear with the prefilled “Offer Type” that the user has selected at the initial creation of the offer when the workflow was created.

> Then the already created offer will appear where the user can edit it or create a new one.

> After each action by the user the offer sheet will be displayed.

  • To accept an existing offer, the transition required view UploadTorpedoGroupOrderView must be added at the transition “Accept Offer”.

This view will allow the user to select an existing offer from a list of available ones.

> When clicking on “View”, a popup will appear with the details of the offer.

> Upon clicking “Select” the configuration’s "import order view" will appear with pre-filled data, where the user must add the order number and upload the order file (PDF) from the external system.

Workflow Mocap

Process example:

  • User creates a Lead/Opportunity by providing the configuration data
    • This creates the Lead/Opportunity, the VOI and an offer document which has:
      • A line representing the vehicle
      • Automatic document lines (enhanced behavior)
      • The printed file consists of the concatenation of two files:
        • The external system offer
        • The OD printed offer (using print providers)
      • User selects Offer requested transition.
        • This will open the Offer Type (EU, Non-EU, Domestic etc.) popup with the value preselected based on the user input. Then the user is presented with the usual Offer Sheet where he can see/edit his previous offer or add new ones.
          • The offer sheet will provide the chance to use the Auto Doc Lines functionality and the addition of manual Items.
        • User selects Accept Offer
          • He will be presented with all the available Offers.
          • Once he has selected one then he will be presented with the Configuration Page. There he will be able to input the Official Order No and the new Order File (from the external system).
          • After saving this step the order document will be created as a copy of the selected offer.
            • The printed file of the created order will be the concatenation of OD printed order and the external system file that the user has uploaded.

Additional Information 

             Feature Number: ODP-1051

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